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My Top 11 Octoberween Game Titles for 2015 #11: Zombie Panic In Wonderland

On 10/05/2015 at 09:00 PM by NSonic79

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My first picks for this year’s list might seem weak sauce to some but I assure you I haven’t lost my edge as a “Virtual Reality Sociopath.” Personally I think it’s rather fitting in making you think twice about my given tastes in Octoberween games. If the upcoming “weak sauce” games can make this list, it makes you wonder what true horror awaits later this month!

For my first game title pick on this list I decided to choose something short and weird on a Nintendo system. Being the ONLY digital title chosen for this list for a Nintendo console shouldn’t be seen as a snub for the console itself mind you. Despite what some may claim, you can find yourself a good number of Octoberween game titles on the Wii as either a Virtual Console download or a WiiWare title. In prior lists I’ve introduced some of these WiiWare games but for this list I decided to choose something rather obscure. A little known gem of a game that may have flown under the radar of most Wii users. Though it has seen re-releases on the Nintendo 3DS and lesser handheld systems, I thought I’d focus solely on its first appearance since there isn’t much love now for the Wii since the Wii U has taken center stage. Consider it the Wii’s “swan song” since who knows when I might have another Wii title on this list. The game I am referring to is none other than the quirky shooter Zombie Panic In Wonderland for the Nintendo Wii on WiiWare!


Are you a big fan of classic fairy tales and childhood stories? How about folk story mashups between Japanese and European flavors? The TV series “Once Upon A Time” getting kind of dull for you? Not a big fan of darker fairy tale retellings of games like American McGee’s Alice and Alice: Madness Returns? Want your Alice, Dorothy or Red Riding Hood packing automatic weapons instead of ruby slippers, a stupid yappy dog or food in a basket respectively? If the answer is yes to any of these questions then you might be interested in this frenetic third-person shooter. You play the part of a Japanese folk hero named Momotar? who happens to travel to Wonderland to visit some friends, only to find his friends missing and Wonderland infested with zombies. As Momotaro it’s up to you to shoot, explode and slice your way thru the various zombie hordes and monsters that now infest Wonderland as you try to track down your friends, meet familiar fairy tale faces (mentioned above), and stop the zombie infestation from spreading.

And basically that’s the story in a nutshell. I don’t know if the other fairy tale characters have their own story arch but that’s the general gist of the game. You basically choose Momotaro (and eventually Alice, Dorothy, Red Riding Hood and others thru replays) and proceed to shoot up a specific fixed level in the game till you’ve cleared the threat off the screen with a 100% completion before time runs out. The best way I could describe the level set up is like what you’d see in a carnival shooter. You can’t leave that particular screen but you can move left or right within the screen to get better angles of attack on enemies with a nifty dodge button to use in case you need to move quickly to avoid attacks. Your character comes armed with a melee weapon specific for the character (Momotaro has a katana whereas Snow White has brass knuckles, don’t ask why for her) and a standard issue automatic assault rifle with a grenade launcher subweapon setting. As you destroy objects in the game you are able to pick up weapon upgrades like a heavy machine gun and flamethrower fuel, that can be stocked up for later use when the level gets too invested with enemies or during boss encounters.

Aiming is done by using the wiimote for pointing the gun relic sight on the enemy on-screen while you use the nunchuk to move your character “strafing style” along the screen. Though control really isn’t an issue with this game, you’ll actually find yourself having a hard time trying to aim at enemies on screen. That’s not to say the aim is bad on the wiimote but you instead suffer from arm fatigue given how you’re expected to hold the wiimote up as you aim and shoot. Thankfully the game is short (a bit too shore in some retrospect) but you’ll be finding yourself taking rests between levels as things can get pretty hectic in game. In fact I had to rest because my trigger finger started twitching out on me from having to hold it down constantly to fire my automatic weapon.

As you progress in the game you’ll visit areas that look somewhat familiar to their fairytale destinations. You’ll see the yellow bricked road, fight certain bosses with main fairy tale themes and meet various other fairy tale characters on your quest. I ended up meeting Dorothy and Snow White during my first playthrough though you might not exactly recognize them given their completely anime looking overhaul. Though you may think this is one of those off the wall Japanese budget titles, especially given its heavy handedness on the Japanese themes, it is in truth made by a Spanish developer that decided to have a little fun with the fairy tale formula.

Why did I choose this title for this year’s Octoberween gaming? Aside it having a character all of its own, Zombie Panic in Wonderland is a fun little title you can pick up and play for any short amount of time if you feel the urge to play a simple point and hold down the trigger kind of light gun game. It is a nice change of pace to enjoy in its arcade-kind feel with its simple controls and even simpler goal objectives. It’s a game that doesn’t quite take itself too seriously but at the same time has enough of a story that keeps you remotely interested to see what exactly is going on in this version of Wonderland. There isn’t enough in the game theme-wise to make it feel completely dark and scary like the other titles that are to follow on this list but it has enough going for it to feel more like a fun run in a kiddy friendly haunted house. It has your fair share of Octoberween staples to expect like zombies, skeletons, Japanese demons and various generalized settings that have a Halloween theme to them. The cemetery level and the yellow bricked road level looking straight out of a gothic country harvest setting are great examples of this.

But despite the positives mentioned about Zombie Panic in Wonderland, this game also ranks fairly high on this list given how the story mode is indeed very short. You can practically beat this game in about an hour or two if you want to burn thru it in one night. Plus the story’s resolution was a bit of a letdown. The only replayability you get out of the game is to unlock other playable characters. Though they look different on screen, they all seem to handle the same way with their main weapons, besides their character specific melee weapons that is. But more fun can be hand if a second player comes along for the ride in either story or arcade modes. And depending on your mindset there is some fan service to be hand with some of the female characters in the game that may turn off some players. Honestly some of the female members in my house wondered why Dorothy and Snow White were dressed so “oddly”.

In the end Zombie Panic In Wonderland is a nice addition to my Wii digital game library that is a fun title to enjoy in short sessions between some major, heavy hitter Octoberween titles that are soon to follow on this list. I don’t see myself playing this game on a regular basis but it is a nice “warm up” game to enjoy thru out this month. At #11 it’s a nice Octoberween time killer than a complete time waster.

The price on this game maybe a little steep for some Wii owners at 1000 Wii points or $10 respectively. Honestly the price is just about right for a game title of this design though I’m sure you could find it cheaper on the 3DS upgrade or on the other lesser handheld gaming systems. I had to give this game a lot of thought given how we hardly see WiiWare or Virtual Console titles go on sale on the Wii Shop. But if this write up has you interested, you liked what you saw on the trailer or you answered yes to any of the questions above, this game might fit the bill if you want to try out a fairytaled Octoberweenish themed, non-rails third person shooter light gun game. It may not be memorable to some but it is definitely unforgettable in giving you that Octoberween feeling.

My Top 11 Octoberween Game Titles for 2015:

11) Zombie Panic In Wonderland

So what did you think? Too quirky? Tired of all the re-imaginging of old folk stories for the modern age? Let me know in the comments below! Till next time let’s see what else we have in store for this month of Octoberween….


Here is where I’m going to try something different this year. During the weekdays of Octoberween I shall be posting a video from the online video series entitled “Camera Obscura”. It’s the story about a woman who finds out that her grandfather was doing more than investigation homicide cases during this time in the local police force, and how she must now finish what he started with the use of his personal made “camera’. I thought it might be a good change of pace and add a little more to what some may find as dull write ups of a demented individuals choices in gaming during this time of year. Come for the countdown, stay for the video. Hope you like. Enjoy!




10/05/2015 at 09:21 PM

I got the 3DS version a couple months ago when it was on sale.  I didn't know it was on the Wii.  


10/06/2015 at 02:01 AM

It's weird seeing third-person shooter mayhem with Japanese style graphics. I like it though. Going on the list. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/06/2015 at 10:50 PM

I'm a lot more tired of dark re-imaginings of fun, quirky media than I am of fun, quirky re-imaginings of dark media. I'm firmly planted in the "I love Batman, I love dark, but not everything needs to be dark" camp. So this game appeals to me. Too bad I don't have a Wii.


10/07/2015 at 09:58 PM

From what you describe, it reminds of a Halloween re-imagining of Sin & Punishment, due to the use of swords with guns and being on rails but allowing you to move left and right for dodging. It does look rather interesting, so i'll check either the WiiWare or 3DS version.

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