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Esteban Cuevas's Comments - Page 39

Resistance: Fall of Man Review

Posted on 09/08/2011 at 01:40 AM | Filed Under Review

I found that the campaign is somewhat typical but it's done extremely well. It's like the 50 cent of FPS games. Nothing original but better than the rest. Also, the multiplayer I found has great matchmaking. I always played with gamers around my skill level so I never found myself overwhelmed. I appreciate that since I'm not great at this genre. Good review, Jessie.

BloodRayne: Betrayal Review

Posted on 09/08/2011 at 01:19 AM | Filed Under Review

Great review, Jessie. The game looks like a lot of fun and I was intrigued when this title was announced. However, I problem with this is by the style of the graphics what gameplay is constructed and what you've said in your review, it seems like the game lacks an identity. The only reason this game seems good and lots of fun is because it's like a lot of other games I've played. Castlevania, Contra, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, the list goes on. However, it REALLY reminds me of The Dishwasher on XBLA. Did you feel this game lacked something to distinguish itself?

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