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Philly Kuts's Comments - Page 3

Comic Book Haul #17 Early January 7th 2015

Posted on 01/08/2015 at 06:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well If you go out and buy that ASM #12 issue you may have a WTF moment!! 

Comic Book Haul #14 Mid December 10th, 2014 It's a #Bitch Planet

Posted on 12/11/2014 at 08:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Treat your self to some comics bro!! I remember getting through Graduate School! I was so relieved to get my Masters. 

Can't wait to read Harley Quinn!! I swear everytime I read that title I laugh outloud-- and for me to be able to laugh outloud from reading something,  is pretty hard to do. 

the Main Spider-Verse Story Arc found in the issues of Amazing Spiderman is really heating up!! It was the second book I read out of my pull this week. 

I'm buying waaaaay too many titles and will probably be buying more Trades as opposed to single issues because it's much easier on the wallet. I'm going to try to keep my pulls under 30 bucks a week-- at least on current issues.

Comic Book Haul #14 Mid December 10th, 2014 It's a #Bitch Planet

Posted on 12/11/2014 at 08:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Scott Snyder is a tremendous writer. He's done a ton of work writing on Batman. The current story Arc in Batman End Game looks promising and it's just starting to pick up-- I suggest you check it out. also if you havent yet check out the Batman trade The death of the Family written by Snyder. It's an awesome story and Synder brings the Joker to new devious depths Moreover Snyder is currently penning the horror title Wytches published by Image comics. Issue number 3 comes out this coming week incase you didn't know-- I HIGHLY recommend it. . 

I enjoyed the Fables TellTale Video Game the Wolf Among Us that is the extent of my knowledge about Fables. I can tell you that the Wolf Among Us was very enjoyable if you like that type of game -- not a lot of action, heavy on story, making choices with consequences and lots of QTEs. The game had lots of twists and "Holy Shit I didn't see that coming" moments. So if the comics are anything like that game I'd check it out. 

Frank Miller is a comic book writing legend. He also wrote 300 and Sin City- great writer and he Wrote The Dark Knight Returns which I just completed and it was awesome. Where did you hear about this Dark Knight 3 business. 

Comic Book Haul #11 Mid November 19th 2014 w/ Bonus Lego Batman 3 Xbox One Unboxing

Posted on 11/22/2014 at 01:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Man no worries! I'm not knocking the youth!!  I will always be young at heart. Enjoy your youth!!

My first gaming console was an Atari 2600. There was the tank and plane battle game on it called Combat.. it was so primative. Then I got a Nintendo. My fondest memories on that console was playing Duck Hunt with my grandfather. Then I had a Sega Genesis which was an awesome unit during the 16-Bit Golden Era. In the mid ninties I bought a Sega Saturn which was a big mistake because Sega abandoned that unit pretty quickly and it never had many games. Then I went back to Nintendo with the GameCube which I believe is one of the most underrated consoles of all time. Then it was on to Xbox360 the a few years later the PS3 which made it the first time in a console generation that I owned more than one platform. Then it was back to Nintendo with the Wii-U and I go multiplatform again this Generation with my recent Xbox one purchase. When Uncharted 4 drops I'll probably end up getting the PS4- cause I don't believe in console wars with one console defeating another. I believe in healthy competition among all consoles because it ultimately means better games for the consumer. Although these days with all the UbiSoft crap going on it makes you wonder. 

Comic Book Haul #10 Mid November 12th 2014

Posted on 11/16/2014 at 01:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks as always Super Step for watching and for your feedback!! I'm going to try to get to comic reviews going soon but I bought an Xbox One this weekend so I've been wrapped up with getting that all set up and making vids on it. I may start broadcasting live comic haul videos every Wednesday night at 8:00pm ESTon You Tube. I'll keep the viewer base posted. Let me know what you think of that idea. 

Trades are a collection of comics (floppies) or previously serialized stories posted in one book. They are practical and more cost- effective because they will usually contain a complete story arch all in one shot. I sometimes like buying trades because, honestly,  I forget issue to issue, what is going on in a series since I buy so many titles. Moreover, you'll save a ton of money if you go that way. will save you a ton of money on trades offering some new releases at 50% off retail.  

However, if you go the trade route,  you will be missing out on some cool covers for your collection and you may have to wait several months before a trade will be printed once a floppy story arch is complete. Some comic companies,such as Image,  are getting better at printing trades in a timely fashion. For instance, the Joshua Williamson Nailbiter series trade for issues 1-5 released on the same day as issue 6, for a reduced price of 10 bucks--it would have cost 15 bungies had you bought each floppy. I, myself, need to start buying more trades in order to save money. Currently, I'm spending anywhere from 25-45 bucks a week on floppies--too much and unsustainable. 

Floppies usually cost anywhere from $2.99 to $5.00 bucks. Sometimes you may see upwards of that if there is a special one-shot issue (a story arch completed in one issue) or a rare variant cover. DC and Marvel, I believe are the biggest culprets of price gouging-- they love to increase prices on Batman or Wolverine comics while offering little value or more bang for your buck to justify the price increase. I find that Image comics are more consumer friendly and will often give you great deals on books, for instance, Tooth & Claw #1  was released a short time ago and it was $2.99 48 pages-no ads-great story!!. Also I find that the independant companies such as Image or Black Mask comics print thier stories on much higher quality paper or stock--their floppies just feel better in your hands than a Marvel or DC comic. But Marvel and DC have me by the balls because I love Batman, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Spiderman etc..However as I've gotten older I find myself purchasing more independent or mini-series titles. Just like in video games, it about the games I have no brand loyalty-- I just want great art and more importantly great writing. 

Colorists too are the bomb and they will make or break a book. Try perusing an original copy of the Batman classic Graphic Novel (Trade)  the Killing Joke with it's bright and cartooney color palette and then look at some later editions or printings of that book(starting in 2008 Deluxe hardcover Edition) where they cooled down the colors with new coloring by Bolland and it makes a world of difference.The book became more somber and grimm--TENSE.  Coloring hits me at such a viseral level and can create such a mood while reading. But --like the DUDE says-that just my opinion man!

A long-box is a type of storage box, usually made of cardboard to house your comic. Most long boxes can house anywhere from 200-225 bagged and boarded comics. I need to start buying them -- My apt is starting to look like an episode of Hoarders with all the piles of floppies!!

I suggest you check out the Batman Superman Series they have a pretty interestring story arch going on right now. If you are into horror I highly recommend Roman Ritual from Amigo Comics. Issue two of the four issue mini series should be dropping soon-- I can't wait !!

Dude have a nice week!! Keep spamming those comic racks and find some titles you enjoy!!

I apologize for any spelling errors but the damn spell check on this site doesn't work !! Plus, I hate writing =( I do it so much at work =P


Comic Book Haul #7 Mid October 22nd 2014

Posted on 11/05/2014 at 10:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I was very disappointed with the main Death of Wolverine story arch. It felt very forced and underwhelming. He will be back!!

Comic Book Haul #8 Late October 29th 2014

Posted on 11/05/2014 at 10:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Do you mean a written summary of each issue? 

Comic Book Haul #8 Late October 29th 2014

Posted on 11/05/2014 at 10:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The Harley Quinn issue did end up having some scratch and sniffs in it: Leather Jacket, Tanning Lotion, and you guessed it a SKUNKY weed smell. 

God Killer was great and i'm going to definately add it to my pull list.

Any good reads to suggest?

Comic Book Haul #6 Mid October 15th 2014

Posted on 10/18/2014 at 12:15 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah it basically smells like a latex glove and it makes your face super hot as well!!

Comic Book Haul # 2 Mid September 2014

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 07:28 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm really enjoying the Boom Nightbreed reboot. I love the artwork by Piotr Kowalski. Piotr is also doing the artwork for dynamite's Terminal Hero ! 

Also in the end of October they are releasing Nightbreed on blu ray. It's going to have a new director's cut on it with 40 mins of extra footage!!!

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