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Matt McLennan's Comments - Page 6

Resident Evil: Revelations Review

Posted on 02/09/2012 at 08:45 PM | Filed Under Review

That standard was already set by Super Mario 3D Land. ;D

But yes, its so far a great game. AND IT DOESN'T NEED THE CIRCLE PAD PRO. Whee.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Director Talks About the Controversial Ending

Posted on 02/07/2012 at 10:04 PM | Filed Under News

I just want everyone to know of a game called Xenoblade Chronicles. Its coming out on Wii in April and it doesn't pull this bullshit.

Honestly, I think the only good Square Enix game that I played this generation and loved it was The World Ends With You. On the DS. I'm awaiting the sequal for 3DS S-E, but you pull this DLC BS on me, no sale.

UMD Passport Won't Be Available to US Vita Owners

Posted on 02/07/2012 at 09:59 PM | Filed Under News

This absolutely blows my mind; I love backward compatibility, but what I don't love is HAVING TO PAY A FEE FOR IT. Would you want to know how absolutely pissed I would be in Nintendo annouced the WiiU would no longer be compatible with Wii games? Pretty PO'd.

The point is, ever since the PS2 introduced it, console backwards compatibility has been a god-send to people like me who have extensive game collections full of games they (pathfetically in my case) haven't finished yet. Wii had it for Gamecube and that worked fine. PS3 had it limitedly for both PS1 and PS2, though their shortsightedness with the PS3 Slim removing PS2 backwards compatibility is moronic (though I heard you can buy something to fix that...). 360? Broken beyond repair. Good thing I don't have any XBox games to speak of.

Welcome to the year 2012 ladies and gentlemen. :(

Video Footage From Unreleased Gameboy Color Port of Resident Evil

Posted on 02/05/2012 at 09:02 PM | Filed Under Feature

Exactly. The Game Boy Color was a fun little system, but the problem was that a lot of game designers (Nintendo included) sometimes made games the little system couldn't handle (oh dear lord Donkey Kong Country...).

Resident Evil: Gaiden is also shit by the way. That is the GBC RE game I was referencing too if anyone was curious.

Video Footage From Unreleased Gameboy Color Port of Resident Evil

Posted on 02/05/2012 at 12:37 PM | Filed Under Feature

As someone who is interested in games that never made it past the beta stage of development, Resident Evil GBC is quite an interesting gem. Keyword: interesting. Does the thing look playable? Absolutely not. What people have to remember is that the original Resident Evil on Playstation was made with the PS1 controller, which had more buttons then the GBC.

Really, it boggles my mind what made Capcom and Virgin Interactive (the prototype developers) even think this would've worked on the GBC. It looks good, true, but it looks absolutely broken. Not that the Resident Evil title we got instead of this was any better, but...

Looked impressive to my sixth grade mind in 1999. Now? Pretty, but looks functionally inept.

Skyward Shake

Posted on 02/04/2012 at 08:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

She's a spirit of a SWORD. Get it right you are suppose to be our top editor Zap!

PSX controller used as a 3DS controller via slidepad attachment?

Posted on 02/04/2012 at 08:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh you Japanese and your amazing ideas. :(

Nintendo Reveals New Club Nintendo Rewards

Posted on 02/01/2012 at 08:10 PM | Filed Under News

Nintendo of America.

Just why.

None of the major Mario games have been gifts yet, geez NoA you really are making me want to come over there and smack you all silly. >:(

Nintendo’s Year End Sales Provide Some Impressive Numbers

Posted on 01/27/2012 at 11:49 PM | Filed Under News

Instant awesome just add Mario.

Mario 3D Land = instant awesome. Mario Kart 7? Best online experience Nintendo has ever made.


Skyward Shake

Posted on 01/27/2012 at 11:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Finding the Kikwis isn't that hard when you go through it again. First time, it took a while. On recent playthroughs, it was absolute cake.

Interactive elements make this one of the best Zeldas I've played in years. Also, I love Fi.

Fi is amazing.

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