Yeah, that's fine with me. I like hearing about the Final Fantasy bits. Can you mention when you go into different subjects on the blog here? For instance, you start talking about a Super NES arcade unit at about 40:26, something which is cool and I knew nothing about. I just mention it because your podcasts are kind of long to me, and I don't always have a lot of time to sit at the internet cafe (Starbucks).
Nerds Without Pants Episode 45: Two Nerds, No Topic
Where we talk about stuff. And things.

We're a man down this time, so listen to Julian and Patrick talk about a bunch of stuff that nerds who do not wear pants would talk about. What are those things? Good question?
How does Star Wars strike you? Maybe some Captain America 2? No? Well, there's bound to be something in here for everyone, from Patrick's new love for MMORPGs, Julian street passing with everyone in creation, and a strange relic of early '90s arcades.
We've also got Bravely Default, FTL Advanced Edition, and plenty of comic book talk for you. Then we close things out with some talk about re-releasing 7th generation games on 8th generation hardware, PAX South, and Julian's Final Fantasy collecting sickness.
So you don't like any of those topics? Well help us make the next episode of NWP, tough guy (or girl)! Listen to the episode to find out how, and stay tuned to PixlBit for more information.
Hayes Carll- Down the Road Tonight
Citizen Cope- Son's Gonna Rise