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PixlTalk Episode 12: The Seinfeld Episode

The first half of this episode is pretty much about nothing, but the second half is a critical look at the industry currently.

Jason rejoins us this week as does Chessa for what turned into a lengthy episode thanks to the second segment.

As usual, in the first half everyone discusses the games they've been currently playing. Though things started off normal, they turned a bit crazy and nonsensical before the segment ended (hence the title).

The second half starts with a shot and ends with a critical look at the industry as a whole. Nick and Jason isolate a few key points and ramble like crotchety old men about how it was "better back in the day"

Check it out and share your thoughts with us about the episode below.

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Edited by Nick DiMola

Music by Andy McKee



Matt R Staff Alumnus

12/19/2009 at 01:59 AM

I really liked this podcast.

Nick DiMola Director

12/19/2009 at 03:03 AM

Woo, thanks Zap!

We really enjoyed recording this one as well. It was a topic that Jason and I have discussed a number of times before in a bunch of different pieces, and this episode helped us pull it together.

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