Awesome podcast guys. Stage Selects return was a triumph. I know Angelo can't be on the podcast but any chance he will still chime in on Stage Select in the future? You all usually had interesting picks that were different. Just a thought.
Congrats on the new job Julian. You may have mentioned it on Twitter but it didn't sink in until the podcast. It sucks that you finally get engulfed in a game once you no longer have all the extra free time. At least there's plenty of podcast time. I think I'd go crazy in a job where I couldn't listen to podcasts.
This weeks Stage Select is really good. Almost too good. I could think about this for a very long time and come up with something amazing and it still wouldn't be perfect. So I'm just using a bit of thought and the top of my head for a solid backpack.
Stage Select: Inventory Items (in no particular order)
Megalixir (Final Fantasy): Need this in case I get really sick. It has to be the one that heals status effects also.
Union Plume (Valkyrie Profile): Cast on yourself and you get a, "Get out of death free" card.
Celestial Brush (Okami): The power of gods in your hand. Want fire, wind, day, night, bombs, and much more? This has got you covered.
Omni Tool (Mass Effect 3): The power of the tech gods on your arm. Want to hack, repair, scan, heal, cut and much more? This has got you covered.
Ocarina of Time (The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask): Rewind and fast forward time. Travel quickly, summon rain, and look cool, maybe lame, while doing it.
Nerds Without Pants Episode 137: Feelin' a Might Peevish
You can learn a lot about people from their pet peeves...

Welcome back to Nerds Without Pants, dear listeners! And welcome back Stage Select to our normal format! We thought it would be a few more episodes before we’d be able to bring it back, but phase two of the NWP 3.0 beta is in full swing. As such, it’s a lengthy Stage Select, followed by a tiny bit of Consumption Junction. Hey, baby steps.
00:00-07:40 Introduction
07:57-1:51:09 STAGE SELECT: Top 3 Gaming Pet Peeves
1:52:06-2:20:37 CONSUMPTION JUNCTION: NioH, The Witcher 3
STAGE SELECT: What five items would you put into your inventory for a long quest?
Miami Nights 1984- Ocean Drive
Perturbator- Brain Damage
The Witcher 3- Steel for Humans
NioH- Main Theme
Battle Beast- Dancing With the Beast