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Video gamers depress me sometimes.

On 05/23/2013 at 05:21 PM by brighat

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I've been a video gamer since 1977, when I discovered them in a smoky little pinball arcade. I've gone through the highs and lows through video games much as I have done with my moods. However, there are days where it's depressing to see 14 year-old boys so deeply addicted to their hobby that they spend hours online talking about dumb technical junk (mostly uninformed in manner) that nobody really cares about on message boards.

I don't know if this is their secret way to pick up women or something but seeing these individuals talking about worthless console specifications and bragging about their PCs is sad. The Internet is turning more and more people into total narcissists.

All I care about is putting a cartridge, CD or Blu-Ray into my console and playing it. I don't care about graphics period. There are too many people who go about this hobby the wrong way.

That and seeing Xbox fanboys trying to find any way to escape the harsh reality that maybe the One isn't geared to their needs but to those people who owned a Nintendo Wii.

Hell, I don't even know what all this stuff MS is talking about regarding the One. What's wrong with the old system of buying a package from Bell? What person would spend all day watching crappy T.V. and movies? Am I the only one questioning why people spend boatloads of money on stuff they could easily find for lower prices or even free? Are they that dense?

I suffer from mental illness so I can't exactly shake it off like "normal" people can. I just don't like this narcissistic direction going on with our society.

More Black Hole for me, I guess. 



Cary Woodham

05/23/2013 at 06:56 PM

I'm a little disappointed on how everyone panicked when the Xbox One was announced earlier this week.  Think of how much the 360 has changed since it launched.  That may happen with the One, as well.  We just don't know yet.

When the Xbox One has enough good games on it that I want to play, then I might be more interested.  I love my 360 and PS3, but even I didn't get them right away.  Only when they had enough games I wanted.


05/23/2013 at 08:09 PM

I think I'll have too much of a backlog from the previous generation to start playing PS4 right away. I might have to buy one Day One just so I don't get angry seeing hoarders selling one for double the price. The One can wait, if it's worth it for my gaming tastes.


05/23/2013 at 08:32 PM

Gamers can be one of the most annoying types of people.  Also, the most opinionated.  


05/23/2013 at 09:08 PM

These people take their hobby seriously. Between video gaming and the Internet, I wonder if they ever get out or are into other things. There might be a lot of people like that kid featured in the first issue of Nintendo Power's "Video Spotlight" section. Good 'ol "Ace Ebb". He beat Metroid in 3 days, Mike Tyson's Punchout in 5, Zelda in 5 and strangely enough SMB in 5. All boys in that article, to nobody's surprise.


05/26/2013 at 04:52 PM

Anybody passionate about anything - hobbies, TV shows, religions, politics - is prone to acting like this. Back in the 1950s you'd see people insulting each other over their choice of car, TV, or washing machine. You should see Android partisans arguing with Apple partisans. Makes the video game industry look downright mature by comparison.


05/26/2013 at 04:58 PM

I don't own (or need) such a phone so I guess that's one less war I'm in.

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