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P_Hernandez's Comments - Page 4

Apologies From PixlBit

Posted on 12/20/2009 at 12:57 AM | Filed Under News

Nick: Thanks, dude! You guys are also doing a great job despite being a small team. I really loved your Holiday shopping guide feature. Very informative, fair and balanced.

Zap: That's because Santa ain't real, Zap. ;)

Squeeballs Party Review

Posted on 12/19/2009 at 06:40 PM | Filed Under Review

Having reviewed the game for NWR I agree that its a solid party game with a great presentation and controls. My pet peeve, however, is that the game doesn't really offer 150 mini-games as the box promises, and you have to unlock them before you can enjoy them in multiplayer mode.

Apologies From PixlBit

Posted on 12/19/2009 at 12:42 AM | Filed Under News

You shouldn't have to apologize. Most, if not all, sites are going through a Holiday rut where there's either too much to cover or nothing at all. News have been slow since people are taking a break. Again, no worries.

Besides, you guys still have excellent features to offer us so as long as those are up everything should be fine.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii Review

Posted on 11/27/2009 at 02:29 PM | Filed Under Review

Having reviewed the game for NWR I must say I agree 100% with this review. It's a HUGE step above from the DS version, which I felt was lacking in creativity. The game has so many little details that just shows the genius of Miyamoto's talents.

Kraken: While I can't argue about personal experiences I have to disagree about the game not being "new" enough. The stages features a lot of new elements not seen in previous Mario titles, and multiplayer is easily a HUGE addition to the entire franchise.

Also, just because a game doesn't do many new things it doesn't mean it isn't amazing. To me, NSMB Wii is amazing in that it takes some of the best elements of past Mario games and combines them to make one fun and polished experience. It proves that the Mario games can't be beat when it comes to game design and planning.

Also, new doesn't always mean its better.

Keita Takahasi Discusses His Disappointment With Noby Noby Boy

Posted on 11/03/2009 at 12:06 AM | Filed Under News

I wonder how the game did overall. It seemed to have gained a following, but it looks like the issues they faced might affect overall sales.

New Media Released for American McGee's The Return of Alice

Posted on 11/03/2009 at 12:04 AM | Filed Under News

I am loving the stop motion trailer.

Alan Wake Devs Don't Want Ending in Review Copies

Posted on 11/03/2009 at 12:02 AM | Filed Under News

Chessa, please tell me this is one cruel joke you guys made up to surprise us...

Seriously, this is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard. I understand that they as creators want people to go in expecting many surprises. But eliminating the ending from review and preview copies? That me is just downright paranoid.

The sad truth is that no matter how secretive you are people WILL post spoilers on the internet. They will post page scans, videos, plot summaries and such. Even if reviewers won't get to see the ending players WILL see it and blab about it.

Also, how can they expect reviewers to do their job properly if they are given only half the product? If they want the story to be given a fair review they HAVE to cave in and show us the ending.

Heh, maybe the ending is a sucky cliffhanger and they don't want reviewers to say "The story was great until I got to the end..."

Games I Love ... That Everyone Else Seems To Hate: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

Posted on 10/20/2009 at 02:32 PM | Filed Under Feature

Sorry Nick, but I have to agree with Chessa here. In paper, Nuts and Bolts was a neat idea. The problem was that while the vehicle creation was great the missions themselves felt bland, boring and repetitive. Race this, protect this, deliver this. I also feel that this project was intended to be a new IP for Rare, but due to the failure of Viva Pinata its as if they were forced to put Banjo and Kazooie in for the sake of nostalgia and have some iconic characters in it.

I mean, when the Master of all Games took away all of Banjo and Kazooie's abilities I KNEW something was wrong, and that this game wasn't meant to star Banjo and Kazooie.

Its not a bad game, mind you. But considering the characters and the ideas it just lacks that charm Rare games used to have during the SNES and N64 era.

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