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MrUniverse_'s Comments - Page 14

This week's pickups and video game news.

Posted on 05/08/2014 at 03:22 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh wow I didn't know about these. I really appreciate you posting up those links! Laughing

This week's pickups and video game news.

Posted on 05/07/2014 at 08:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Exactly what I mean! I mean when you buy a used copy of a game, you want your money's worth. Not some beat up, ripped up cover art, damaged plastic case with no artbook and scratched up disc. You wanna get what you paid for. I mean, the whole condition thing has gotten so bad for me that I even look at the condition of the handheld games Vita, 3DS and DS. People at my local GameStop know that I like good conditioned games so they're already used to me being picky. I wish I could print out cover art on the same type of paper it's printed on when the factories make them how they are today. I even have extra game cases if I get a crappy case, but a perfect disc.

When it comes to games that are hard to find used, I go for it. That's why I was glad to find Danganronpa and Toukiden. Didn't care the condition of the case. Just wanted the game. I already have a game case for all my Vita games anyways so handheld boxes aren't as big of a deal as console boxes.

This week's pickups and video game news.

Posted on 05/07/2014 at 08:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I did. I got stuck during a case and got penalized too much. It's a good crime series, but I don't think I would be able to pass some trials without looking up how to. And I definitely don't want to just read a guide and hit the correct answers and clues. Ys I couldn't get into. It's a fun game, but I felt burnt out after the fourth quest they give you.

This week's pickups and video game news.

Posted on 05/07/2014 at 08:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow! 100 just with Origins itself?! I got a little confused when looking at the main menu because it showed different sections to choose from when I started the game. First it was Origins, Awakening and some of the dlc. I thought the dlc was in Origins. Are they completely different from Origins and have their own story?

I was also surprised to see there was no Ultimate Edition for DA2. Or at least the dlc discs in stores. I've heard Origins is a lot better and longer than DA2.

Random Wednesday Update...with a hint of Marvel.

Posted on 04/30/2014 at 08:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think Skylanders is a bigger game franchise compared to Disney Infinity. Probably Disney Infinity gets more publicity because of the fact it has Disney in it. I've wanted to try Skylanders, but the price hasn't gone down to where I want it to be. I think it'll be a while till it does because I wanna get it for the XB1.

Random Wednesday Update...with a hint of Marvel.

Posted on 04/30/2014 at 08:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Same here. I just got Pokemon X because I felt like it was time to get back into it, but I felt like I've missed so much because the last Pokemon games I really played was Yellow, Blue and Silver.

Random Wednesday Update...with a hint of Marvel.

Posted on 04/30/2014 at 08:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I would wait too. Skylanders has so much stuff it's unbelieveable. Maybe when Disney Infinity gets a price cut you can pick it up. When I picked up X I thought I would be able to sit down and just complete it within a week, but before I traded it a while back I put in 40 hours and playing those 40 hours all over again seemed like a hasle. So I think I'll wait a while till I finish Bravely Default or just really feel like playing Pokemon again.

Going back to the Wasteland

Posted on 04/28/2014 at 12:41 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I see your point. Story wise I would think Fallout 3, but everything else backs up with New Vegas. One main strong point for me was the fact that you can aim down the sights. Not saying the aiming in Fallout 3 was bad, but since I play a lot of shooters it kind of gives me a sense of ease to know where I'm aiming and what I'll be hitting rather than an icon aiming at the generic area I might hit. I haven't played Valkyria Chronicles and I have yet to finish Ni No Kuni. I actually got stuck at a part and haven't gotten back to it since.

Going back to the Wasteland

Posted on 04/28/2014 at 12:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm still trying to figure out how to get to some places. The tunnels tend to get a little confusing for me and it took me a while to just find Hamilton's Hideaway. New Vegas just has some sort of click to me. Not sure if its because of the mechanics or the fact that it has a post apocalyptic look to the Vegas strip/atmosphere.

Going back to the Wasteland

Posted on 04/25/2014 at 04:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I see what you mean. Fallout New Vegas was my first Fallout game. Technically Fallout 3 was, but I didn't sink that many hours into it. I'm trying to play more of Fallout 3 right now so I can get through that and then head back to New Vegas. In both of these games I put the difficulty to very easy/novice because I'm still getting used to playing these games. 

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