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RememberShaqFu?'s Comments - Page 2

It's been a long time guys. gamemaster4747 is back.

Posted on 07/05/2015 at 12:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Man, I don't get it. You're still doing the same thing? With all due respect, doesn't it embarrass you at all that you've been banned, or suspended, from numerous sites? 

You'be been peddling that "I'll tone things down" schtick since the 1up days, but it never lasts too long before you're back to pushing peoples' buttons. I followed the thread on vgchartz that got you permabanned, and I honestly couldn't help but feel embarrassed for you. "I don't whine, I complain like a man" How can you not say that line out loud and feel sort of childish?

anyway, with that said, I hope that you're doing well. I check in on you, from time to time, on FB and I noticed that you've gone through a very rough time in your personal life. I even tried reaching out to you, to be of some help/comfort, but you've never written back. Honestly, there's a lot about you that I don't care for, but I care about you as a person. thats what good people do, they care about others. They don't do everything in their power to set people off, they try to initiate a positive change. With that said, I hope that you're doing okay.

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