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Show Floor The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Posters

Although we wasted nearly an hour standing in the wrong line, we grabbed images of some great Zelda posters detailing Link's weapons and sword moves.

Opening day of E3 is usually a hectic one, filled with excited convention goers dying to get their hands on the newest video game titles. Sometime though, there are particularly hectic moments, especially when there are hundreds of people packed into tight groups fighting their way to a specific game.

Nintendo's booth was the poster child for disorganization and desperate gamers yesterday, as different lines crossed path with others and frustrated E3 attendees confided in numerous representatives trying to figure out where to stand for a desired title/Nintendo 3DS.

Luckily, Chris and I had the wonderful pleasure of finding a knowledgeable random E3 employee, who very confidently told us where to stand in order to play the latest Zelda (which we were screwed out of playing at the Nintendo press conference…hooray for 15 minute demos). After traveling to the 280-something spot in a line that twisted in and around the Nintendo booth, we accepted our multi-hour long fate of having to wait.

Unfortunately, forty minutes into waiting we discovered that the line we were waiting in was in fact not where we had to be. In fact, after angrily getting out of line we walked straight up to the Zelda booth and grabbed a Wii Remote without having to wait more than thirty seconds.

However, our forty minutes were not entirely in vain, as along our waiting path we captured images detailing some of Link's weapons and moves in the newest upcoming Zelda Wii title, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.



Matt R Staff Alumnus

06/16/2010 at 11:40 PM



Chessa DiMola Assistant Director

06/16/2010 at 11:45 PM

SHHHHH Zap, geez!

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