How Skyward Sword is getting even the most jaded Zelda players excited again.
When it comes to franchise fatigue, the first game that springs to mind is the Legend of Zelda series. Sure, we don’t get a new adventure starring Link every year like, say, Assassin’s Creed or Call of Duty, but I’ve been controlling a mute, green tunic-wearing elf since 1987. I played pretty much every major release in the series until Wind Waker, and I’m just tired of the formula. I don’t think it’s controversial to say that anymore, either; more and more, I hear criticisms of repetition and stale gameplay leveled at the Zelda games. With that being said, you can understand why I was perfectly fine with ignoring the upcoming Skyward Sword and moving on with my life. And yet, somehow I found myself pre-ordering the Limited Edition of the game last week. How did that happen?
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