Hey guys! I'm the game designer of Alien Labyrinth, and I wanted to say thank you for talking about it! Extra thanks for liking the ambigram "Alien" logo I designed for the original prototype. I'm glad you enjoyed the game, and you should be happy to know that the advanced rules for a 2 player game actually have you each controlling 2 pawns and it causes a lot more exciting interactions. I'd also like to share the Kickstarter link, as it just went live and I want your listeners to get in on the bonuses for being one of the first 100 backers!
Nerds Without Pants Episode 74: Symphony of the Pantsless Nerds
Short, but sweet!
No time for a long post, folks. Julian is on vacation. We hope you like this abbreviated episode of Nerds Without Pants, because episode 75 is gonna be EPIC.
Enjoy this short but sweet episode of NWP as we talk about a cool new game that Angelo is interested in Kickstarting, a whole bunch of comics, Julian's trip to see Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses, and a little bit of Splatoon and Firewatch.
We're still waiting to get some audio greetings from listeners for episode 75. You don't have to do anything elaborate. Even just making a recording into your phone will do! Just send them to julian@pixlbit.com with the subject line NWP 75.
Overture (The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses)
Starbomb- God of No More
Ninja Sex Party- Unicorn Wizard