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Wally's Weekly Episode 1: Miyamoto & More

Gaming News For The Week of Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Welcome to my first episode of Wally's Weekly sponsored by Pixlbit. This week we take a look at the news conspiring around the legend himself, Miyamoto, get a glimpse at the possible future of web browser gaming, and get a look at some of my favorite highlights from the VGA's.

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Bastion on Chrome Required Specs: 1.7 GHz dual-core rig, 2GB of memory, 1GB of hard disk space, and a video card with 512MB memory that supports shader model 2

The Last of Us:




Mike Wall Staff Alumnus

12/13/2011 at 02:30 PM

Wow nothing like an awkward still image of yourself staring you back in the face lol. Anyways guys let me know what you think of this.


12/13/2011 at 03:19 PM

Great job I really liked this. Since this is episode one I assume this feature is a new addition to the site, correct? I hope you plan to keep these weekly updates coming, I thought it was really well done and I got learned quite a bit because I missed the VGA's and didn't hear about those particular trailers till now. The FortNite video looks really great, but what got me excited was when you referenced the game's similarity to Team Fortress 2's art style, I love TF2. Naughty Dog's The Last of Us video looks really great but my first instinct was to not take the trailer too seriously because of what happened with Dead Islands trailer, and then the eventual realization that the actual narrative and tone of the game was quite different than the trailer led us to believe. I wouldn't mind getting on a modest hype train for the game though and the reason why is because Naughty Dog is making it. I'll be excited to see gameplay videos and more in depth showcases for the game in the future.

Mike Wall Staff Alumnus

12/13/2011 at 06:22 PM

Thanks Mike, yea these are going to be a new weekly addition every Tuesday just to help people recap quickly about what happened over the week. That's a good point about Dead Island, I hope they wouldn't make the same decision to misrepresent what the title is so badly, but like you said only time will tell. I'll also be filling in the gaps with some smaller videos that I'll be posting through our new blog feature in the near future.

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