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New PC Game for Voyeurs
If you like to watch CCTV and want to win £1,000, Internet Eyes is the game for you.

The United Kingdom is planning to make entertainment and rewards out of security cameras. In an effort to crack down on crime, a new PC game is being developed called Internet Eyes, which hooks up players to security cameras. The idea is that the gamers watch the CCTV feed, waiting for a crime to happen. A click of their mice sends an SMS and a still image of what they saw to the operator. The best Officer McGruff takes home £1,000. Points are awarded for true crimes and removed for false reports, staving off click-happy players.
Internet Eyes was created by David Steele, Tony Morgan and James Woodward and promises a pretty profit for not just them, but the United Kingdom Police as well. The CCTV cameras are being rented out to enthusiastic business owners for £20 per week.
Internet Eyes will make its debut in Stratford-upon-Avon, but has high hopes of spreading across not just the island, but the globe.