Rumor: PlayStation All-Stars Characters Leak
First and third party characters invade the roster.

Screenshots taken from the beta version of the highly anticipated PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale have hit reddit, potentially revealing twelve more characters in the All Stars' roster. The list includes:
- Dante from Devil May Cry and its sequels
- Cole McGrath from the inFamous series
- Ratchet from the Rachet & Clank series
- Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising series
- Sackboy from the Little Big Planet games
- Sir Daniel Fortesque from MediEvil
- Heihachi Mishima from the Tekken series
- Toro, PlayStation marketing icon in Japan
- Nariko from Heavenly Sword
- Jak from the Jak & Daxter series
- Spike from Ape Escape
In addition to the characters leaked in the aformentioned image, a file with additional information includes the following characters who have already been confirmed:
- Colonel Radec from Killzone
- Fat Princess the cake eater from Fat Princess
- Kratos the god from God of War series
- Nathan Drake the protagonist of the Uncharted series
- Parappa the Rapper from the Parappa the Rapper games
- Sly Cooper the thief from the Sly Cooper games
- Sweet Tooth the clown from the Twisted Metal series
The original image was released (with the word leak typed all over it) by 696Ly of Reddit, whereas followup information came from NeoGAF user miladesn. In total, twelve new characters and fourteen stages were released in what seems to come from the character select screen. Some of the characters are also rumored to be unlockable and evil Cole McGrath is likely a possibility as an alternate version of the character.