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Doing what I do best: procrastinating and writing about writing.

On 04/29/2013 at 06:24 PM by Caesar

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Sometimes I can't tell if my life is a comedy of errors or some sort of karmic backlash.

After one particularly soul-crushing and dissatisfying semester, the one thing I was very much looking forward to was getting my life back and doing some writing (as mentioned in my last blog.  But my existence being what it is, that won't necessarily be happening so easily or so enjoyably.

One week after my last final exam, I'm going in for surgery.  The (relatively) good news is that it's an outpatient operation; they said the whole thing will only take about an hour and a half, and I won't even be knocked out (just reeeeeally sedated).  The bad news is that it's on my left arm, and I'm looking at being in a sling for about three weeks.

Of course, I've come to terms with the prospect of surgery in the first place since the surgeon first recommended it a few weeks ago--cried it out a bit and eventually just sucked it up.  The entire reason for getting it done is to fix nerve damage that I've been experiencing over the last few years, and the do-nothing alternative is me potentially losing all strength in my left hand later down the line.  Considering that that hand is already partially crippled by arthritis, and that hands are pretty much integral to doing stuff, I figured the good outweighed the bad.

I'm very much hoping to get out at least a couple of good entries between now and then.  I might start on one of the topics brought up in my last blog (which, again, thanks for everyone who chimed in!), but I know I'd like to get at least something out about E3.  I've made a few remarks on other user's blogs about Nintendo's decision to not hold a large press conference, but I might as well write my own whole piece on the matter, and maybe even some other observations/predictions about the show as well.  My arm being slung up means that I'll be t-rexin' it a bit on a computer, so while I'll still be checking out the site, I won't be able to provide much feedback.  (If you're not a fan of my sometimes rather lengthy responses, maybe that won't be such a bad thing after all.)

And hey, one positive aspect of keeping myself functionally limited on the computer means I'll finally be able to catch up on other stuff (and let me tell you, my computer chair could use a break), namely reading and video games.  Over this past year an economics spark fired off inside me, in part because of its relation to politics and otherwise from a course in International Political Economy I took this past fall.  I plan on reading all the classics: Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Keynes (my new favorite economics dude by default!), and perhaps even some Hayek and Friedman.  My university has a fantastic library (as every school and city should, and be sure to show your local libraries some appreciation too, folks!) with all of these authors in stock, so I'll definitely be hitting them up.

My personal library of games isn't too shabby, either, and wouldn't you know it, there are games which I've been waiting years to play!  I mean, seriously: my backlog is actually kind of depressing in a way.  I'm surely missing quite a few hallmark titles in my DS collection, but I have a decent number of pretty great games - Fire Emblem, The World Ends With You, and some others - which I've either never really played or never even started at all.  But I'm looking forward to changing that, too, and actually starting games and - wait for iiiiiiiit - finishing them.  I'll probably post a blog on that, too; I tend to be a little indecisive, so maybe a little community input on that will help me in the decision-making process.

But for now, I've got a shameful amount of late and outstanding classwork to wrap up.  Until next time, folks.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/29/2013 at 06:43 PM

Finishing games?!?  I can only dream of doing such myself.  Sealed


04/29/2013 at 08:57 PM

I don't know what my problem is when it comes to actually finishing games.  I can't tell if it's distraction to other things (school, work, something) or if I look at my collection of games and say, "Hmm, think I'll try this one out now."  I think it's a mixture of both, so "forcing myself" to actually see them through to the very end - and then some, maybe - is probably the best thing I could do as a gamer.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/29/2013 at 07:12 PM

I show my local library love by getting Nora Roberts books for my mom. But like you, I've been thinking about reading up on financial whatsits. Also, playing the stock market. That second part isn't necessarily related, but I'd still like to do it.


04/29/2013 at 07:43 PM

I have a passive interest in investing.  I have shares in a few stocks that my Grandma bought me when I was a baby, but I don't really keep up with them too much.  I'd like to get into it, though, and learn some more on how these things work and how I could get in on it.  Economics as its own study is pretty daunting, so in addition to those classic texts I'll probably poke around for a few "primers" on the subject.  Also, I follow Paul Krugman (economist who teaches at Princeton and writes/blogs for The New York Times) on Twitter, and he's quite good about adapting some of the economic language for laymen such as myself.  I think a couple of his books will end up on my birthday wishlist this year.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/29/2013 at 08:06 PM

Krugman, that reminds me, I need to mint that trillion dollar coin one of these days. I've actually thought of picking up one of his and other modern economist's books, so that it's not all one perspective. We'll see how not-lazy I become in the next few days...


04/29/2013 at 08:17 PM

I posted my collection the other day its pitiful how many games i have to play, and i feel ya on the surgery thing i have to have a hip replacement and until then i have severe arthritis and my hip hurts as its bone on bone no cartlage and im on pain meds thats not working lol,.


04/29/2013 at 09:05 PM

Gah, yeah, the arthritis is awful.  One of the fingers on my left hand is virtually useless; the cartilage is gone and even the bone has deteriorated.  I asked a doctor about an artificial replacement (just out of curiosity), but basically I'm too young for one.  C'est la vie.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/29/2013 at 10:15 PM

I agree that hands are quite useful! I think you're making the right choice, and even though it will probably feel like it's dragging on and on, your rehab/pain will only be temporary.

Have you guys been given Synvisc? I have arthritis in my left knee, albeit not too terrible, and I think this helped me.  I know someone who needs both of his knees replaced but after getting the Synvisc injections he doesn't seem to really have any pain at all.  Worth asking about if you haven't already.  

This now sounds like an old person blog with all this arthritis talk. Y'all got any good coupons for Luby's?


04/29/2013 at 11:00 PM

We're only geezers when someone runs an op-ed for the site about how video games are "too confusing" and "why can't you play this game on that...that game system, why can't they all just work on the same system, I swear those Japanese are out to get us."  Or petitioning Microsoft to release shuffleboard for the Kinect.

As for those drugs, no, I don't take any of them.  It was considered, but due to the nature of my arthritis (so far it's only affected the one joint--I'm as confused as you folks are) there weren't any real benefits for me to use systemic medication.  But I will use naproxen/Aleve when needed.

I don't think the surgery bothers me so much anymore.  I think the worst thing at this point is the anticipation, really.  Oh, and the drainage.  Totally not looking forward to that, either.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

04/30/2013 at 08:17 AM

How did you know the subject of my next column? Those furriners are the devil!

Well, this Synvisc is a shot of goo that lubes up your joint.  It can be squirted right in there.  I have no idea if it is used on hands or not.  Maybe it's not an option, but just throwing it out there.

@leeradical - Yeah, that sounds painful! 


04/30/2013 at 07:59 AM

lol and coffee after dinner lol!! I had a cortizone injection but where they have to inject the shot is not worth it  inner thigh and pelvic not doing that again ever lol.


04/29/2013 at 11:17 PM

I'd be interested in hearing your opinion of Nintendo and this years E3 for what its worth.... I'm puzzled by the thinking behind it. Makes no sense to me.


04/30/2013 at 12:18 AM

If you look at some of my comments from over the weekend on a few different blogs, you can get a basic idea of my take on it.  Some of the IGN crew put forth their two cents on the matter last week, and I could see some validity behind most of their points.


04/30/2013 at 12:23 AM

Wow, really sorry to hear about your arm dude, when I read shit like this it reminds me of how lucky I am (up to now at least..... touching wood and fingers crossed). Your definately doing the right thing though, it would be a complete nightmare to lose that much of your body down the line! Have you thought of trying those 'voice dictator' things for your computer? I ve never used one (as I'm sure you can tell from my description of it!) but it might be worth a shot to pass the time over the next month. Good luck with the op, hope all goes well for you.


04/30/2013 at 07:44 PM

Much appreciated!  Unfortunately for me, those aren't my only health concerns, and knowing my luck, if I had that magic elixer which could cure everything...I'd spontaneously combust immediately after taking it.

I thought about looking into a voice-to-text program (I think Windows 7 even has one already installed).  But hey, why not give myself a little vacation?  Given my addiction to the internet, I think spending a little time doing other stuff - especially catching up on my backlog of games! - would be much more fun.


04/30/2013 at 08:03 PM

Oh yeah, nothing wrong with chilling at all! sounds like you deserve a break any how. Like you I have little to do at the moment and as I have to wait another month before my X box and TV arrive I ve been getting to know my 3DS and PSP again. Forgot how awesome the PSP can be!

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