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What's up Pixlbit!

On 12/06/2013 at 03:25 PM by BucknastyBD3

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Hey everybody!

Well I finally bit the bullet, haha. I've been reading gaming blogs for awhile now, but I've never made one of my own. I first started reading some of your posts on 1up, and after that shut down I followed the crowd here in a very stalkerish way now that I think about it...but this is the internet, so that kind of thing is acceptable! Anyway, I continued to read posts occasionally, but now I decided it's time to get in the game. So yeah, here I am!

My real name is Ben, but I use BucknastyBD3 pretty much as all of my gamer tags. I'm a 23 year old born and raised Texan, and I can count the number of times I've ridden a horse on one hand. I don't own a gun, I've never been hunting, and I'm not a huge football I guess I break most of the stereotypes, haha. My hobbies include soccer (played for 19 years), basketball, baseball, acoustic guitar (played for about a year and a half), movies, running, cycling, and I'm also working towards my Master's degree. I also work at and am very involved in my church. I was a youth pastor for a few years, and now I'm an adult ministry intern. Yes I'm a Christian, it's the biggest part of who I am, but I'm also not going to judge or hate people based on what they believe, so I hope we can be cool about that!

As far as gaming gaming goes I consider myself to come from a pretty wide variety of interests. I played WoW for several years when I was younger and was pretty good at it, I got to raid in the top guilds on my servers, but I don't really have any interest or time for that anymore. I also used to play Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast online, that was the game that really got me started in online games. I'm a huge fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dark Souls, and basically anything that can be classified as an RPG. I've dabbled some with RTS and ARPG games, mainly Warcraft III and Diablo III. I'm also a huge MOBA fan, DOTA 2 is probably my favorite game at this point in time. I'm really good at most shooters, particularly Call of Duty and Halo, though I'm a little burnt out on FPS games right now. I like fighting games but I don't play them enough to be competitve online, just to dominate my friends, haha. My favorite there would be Super Smash Bros. Racing isn't particularly my style of games, but Mario Kart Double Dash will forever been one of the best games to play with friends. Recently I've been playing Battle Field 4, FIFA 14, Assassin's Creed IV and Killer Instinct for Xbox One, and DOTA 2 for PC. Those are my two consoles if you ever want to play!

Games I'm anticipating would be Dark Souls II, Titanfall, Destiny, Tom Clancy's The Division, Final Fantasy Versus, Kingdom Hearts III, and anything else that might make Xbox One more interesting, haha. On a side note I honestly thought I was going to skip this gen of gaming, but it was an impulse buy on Black Friday. I ended up moving to my new job to a pretty small town surrounded by huge towns, and difficulty meeting people my age has resulted in a lot more free time!

Anyway, that's enough ranting about me. Looking forward to getting to know all of you and contributing to the community. Hope to hear from y'all in the comments!




Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/06/2013 at 03:51 PM

  Welcome to the posting world! Good to see a new face. Great taste in gaming, Dark Souls is my favourite game of all time, although I prefer LoL to Dota (mainly because learning a new MOBA is daunting as hell).


12/06/2013 at 08:57 PM

Thanks for the welcome! Heck yeah man, Dark Souls is the bomb. I started out hating it honestly, haha, but eventually it won me over and I love it.

I've played some LoL, I'm decent at it but not great. I guess I prefer DOTA 2 because I played a lot of the original DOTA when it was just a custom game on Warcraft. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/07/2013 at 04:20 PM

Yeah, I hated it too at first. It's definitely a grower. If you want to read an article about how it basically changed my life, read this: If you don't, that's fine lol. 

 Never played the original DOTA, and DOTA 2 is a touch too complicated for my liking. I keep trying, but to no avail.

 I never really 



12/07/2013 at 05:41 PM

Just read it, pretty epic stuff!

Yeah I had to learn DOTA by getting destroyed by my WoW raiding buddies every night for a few months, but eventually the tables turned, haha. I'd be glad to offer some help if you ever want to give it a shot. I don't really know what to blog about so I may do a series, not sure yet.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/07/2013 at 06:07 PM

  Thanks! And fair enough. Dota 2 does seem like a game that requires a lot of patience. I find that finding a good hero that suits you is key to whether or not you like those games. Do you game much on Steam in general? My username is whatsacow on there too if you ever want to game together. 

 As for blogging ideas? Well, it's the end of the year, so a few top ten lists should keep you busy. Other than that, blog about things your passionate about, or things you hate. If worst comes to worst, steal ideas. People care more about your personality than actual content most of the time lol.



12/07/2013 at 08:47 PM

Yeah! That's honestly what I play on the most probably. I'm a little out of sync right now though. I didn't have room to bring my legit gaming desktop with me when I moved a month ago, but I'm supposed to get a desk and stuff this week so I'll probably bring it back the next time I go home. I still have my macbook, but I can only play DOTA 2 and a few other games out of the ton that I got in steam sales, haha. 

I'll keep that in mind for the blogs!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/06/2013 at 03:53 PM

hey welcome aboard, Ben!  blogging is fun!  Glad you decided to finally speak your peace.  Everybody around here is pretty cool, so I'm sure you'll fit right in.  

I can count the number of times I've ridden a horse on no hands.  Tongue Out


12/06/2013 at 08:58 PM

I appreciate the welcome! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone


12/06/2013 at 05:21 PM

Well, I likes FF and Dark Souls. A couple of MMOs too. Cool


12/06/2013 at 08:59 PM

Sounds like we will get right along, haha

Chris Iozzi Staff Alumnus

12/06/2013 at 07:34 PM
Welcome, as a Christian I suggest you check out the Backloggers Anonymous podcasts for El Shaddai, great discussion about a great game with religious overtones. Keep blogging, we'll be reading


12/06/2013 at 08:59 PM

Thanks for the welcome! I'm actually checking that out right now, thanks for directing me to it!

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

12/06/2013 at 09:29 PM

Welcome aboard! Lots of great members here and it's always good to have someone else start blogging. Hope you like it!


12/07/2013 at 05:41 PM

Thanks for the welcome!

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

12/07/2013 at 06:09 PM

Make sure you joing the PixlBit group on Steam! 


12/07/2013 at 08:49 PM

Just joined!


12/07/2013 at 10:48 PM

Yes, welcome.  I don't know what else to say at this point.


12/08/2013 at 12:14 AM

Welcome.  The stalker thing is how I ended up here as well, though I still have not blogged much. :)

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