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A Bit Of Updates And Hello PixlBit..!~(Introduction Of Sorts/Rambles...)

On 01/06/2014 at 03:55 AM by AzureAlchemist

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Well..Finally getting over(Most of) that crud I managed to catch a few days back,that basically stopped up my nose enough to make it pretty much impossible to taste my food so there went my appitite and energy for a bit..It also delayed this which I guess is kinda long overdue...But I seldom bother introducing myself in most sites I have joined..So it's kind of a first plus..Writing has somewhat slowly become part of my hobbies..And that is one of main things that takes up my time.(Although most of my writing takes the form of unpublished muses/poetic rambles..I usually later think could be written better or seem incomplete..)

My username actually kinda came from my first years on the World Wide Web which was spent at how I ended up slightly attached to a somewhat lame username that doesn't have that big of a meaning compared to my deviantart/artist username..But yeah for those who haven't seen my little corner of the net here on Pixlbit.. I also manage an account on and browse DeviantArt as LuminousAtelier..~ My art on there used to be primarily Traditional Media untill I started messing with photoshop more.(And that was partly thanks to users at who had also dabbled in graphic work,ended up getting me tinkering with photoshop..) I had sort of taken a kind of unannounced hiatus/break from uploading there for roughly a year or so..(Never actually kept track.) After coming back and getting used to uploading there again.(They kind of require Tags so I had to get a mindset for it..)

There were times I passed written/literary deviations,along side the book reading a sort of did at one point. Mostly murder mystery stories but I did read a couple of Anime-based Light Novels..Never got around to much else aside from the occasional blog or things I randomly came across via websites...That sort of piqued my interest throughout the years in possibly making my own little leap into writting but..I found even the little 'Drafts' in my head were always prone to just feeling like Starting points,the 'real' deal might end up being more work..As I tend to take one idea and make it into,whether intentional or not..A sort of Mini-project..Sorta like this turned out to be..(I don't think I have written like this in a few years actually..)

I think(?) most can tell that I primarily use and practice drawing the anime inspired style when doodling and sketching..It traces back to when I started off playing games.(Multiplayer at first than played RPGs on my own. Although I don't have as much time to play as years before...)Then finding out about anime and manga..But I can't remember which I technically got into first...Anyway. I usually end up posting at least one sketch I have done,more than likely recently.(Plus holiday doodles I manage..~)With each of these entrys..(Such as the sketch at the beginning up there.) Oh but a couple of exaples of my photoshop/graphics works. Recent things I just did for fun..But the second example,which is smaller but is a good example of some style of banner I recently made during helping a friend out with his streaming channel and have been thinking of practicing with working with sometimes..~

Sadly,however not all images seem to go well with the second style of banner or it's almost impossible to fit as much into it..I also occasionally make wallpapers based off game character art I come across or I manage to render/erase the background on a given image, for transparency myself.. Lately a more 'for fun' not-as-productive as my 'Art' oriented things is occasionally checking and being in and out of the news 'loop' of Anime and Games..And of course watching anime since sites like Crunchyroll and other offical licensing companies like Viz have since started streaming subbed Anime shows....Well one 'unspoken' of sorts other hobby of mine is making up little characters and semi-throw-away stories in my head for fun but I have started to utilize some of them and somewhat started work on developing them..Oh one other hobby of mine that slowly grew more or less on it's own but maybe partly from the pictures I saw browsing DeviantArt at times is..Picture taking.~

Which reminds me..There are a few photos I was wanting to upload the full verions of.(Some look a bit better cropped.)And some I still have right on my computer I never properly named but extracted from my digital camera when I didn't have a decent camera built into my phone...Right,well since my phone is a smartphone it can use apps and with that..Makes it easier to at least dump a few pictures and sketches.(At least to sites like twitter and tumblr which I mostly kinda forget off to the side..Plus it'd seem pretty random what I'd dump if I'd remember..) By the way my phone is a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. When attempting/practicing digital sketching I use an old WACOM Bamboo Fun model tablet..~(I apparently lost the friggin mouse part though..!)

Ah...I think that covers most of it but yeah...I guess from how things have been especially lately..I suppose I'll end up being PixlBit's resident Artist,half-hermit,half-writer,game and Anime enthusiast..Pleased to meet the new folks that read this..the best I can manage is sporadic little/rambly updates like this when I find stuff to slap together..If I have learned anything from actually trying to post slightly meaty-er's that doodles and other pictures I manage to get and upload come in handy..Plus I seem to have a knack for doing things like this pretty much on-the-spot and more or less within a day..(Unless I start in the late evening..)

Well...Hi and sorry for not being very active in the comments scene PixlBit..I mostly browse when I have time..Since I feed the dog.(A yellow labrador.)And wash dishes and whatnot..But I realized a few years ago I tend to ramble in a my head a lot over little things here and there and even when little muses pop up in unexpected places..I don't really plan on wasting the little thing I came to cherish at 1Up...At least not this time around..



Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/06/2014 at 05:43 AM

hey, your art is cool.  I always wished I could draw, but it's a skill and talent that always escaped me. 

glad you're here on Pixlbit!  I was a 1up refugee myself, but I decided to join the site and write some articles.  We've found a new home here and it's not bad at all!


01/08/2014 at 03:56 AM

Heheh..Yeah it does take time..I used to really suck not-so-long-ago but got better from my insprarations..~ Yes,I was kinda glad somewhere someone wanted to aspire to keep a home-like ambiance akin to what 1Up gave a lot of users..


01/06/2014 at 09:48 AM

You know, I'm probably long overdue as far as introductions go myself. Not that I haven't tried, but I tend to get one started only to chicken out at the last minute.


01/08/2014 at 03:58 AM

Heh...Well I was kinda just using this mostly as an excuse to write a bit about myself and get back into 'larger' posts as I started to get into on 1Up..It did take a 'push'..So getting sick strangley had a positive effect of sorts..~ I sometimes struggle with motivation..


01/06/2014 at 10:57 AM

Welcome to pixlbit. 


01/08/2014 at 03:50 AM

Heh thanks..~


01/06/2014 at 12:35 PM

I'd love to see your anime character in a comic strip here on Pixlbit. You could be like Penny Arcade here, or something cooler. That would be awesome! I love a variety of media in a web site. I've even tried to think of how I could use my photography here. I haven't come up with an angle for that yet though. My stuff doesn't really relate to video games as far as I can see. Not yet anyway.


01/08/2014 at 04:29 AM

Ah..I'd love to see it though..I think a lot of what we pour time and thought into can say something a bit different than words could..If that makes sense..Anyway thanks..~ I guess I have sorta been working toward comics in a way..(If you saw the comic in the New Years post that is a recent example.)I just kinda struggle with motivation at times..Plus I've read and watched a lot of entertainment media,anime and non-anime related stuff..Plus reading kinda made it harder to just through something out that doesn't feel like the best it can be or at the very least a decent effort..


01/06/2014 at 05:23 PM

Yahoo, Cami you're joining us eh? NICE :D welcome. We love your rambling by the way. Never change <3 ha.


01/08/2014 at 03:49 AM

Hehe..Well I am not completly stopping my little blerbs at 1Up but I guess I needed this for here since it seems like I kinda just popped into here without really saying anything yet somehow managing to get a few Followers pretty quickly..Heh thanks.~


01/07/2014 at 12:38 AM

Known you since 1UP but barely talked to you. ^^;
Anyways, you're art is fantastic.


01/08/2014 at 04:03 AM

Well..I've always been kinda weird..But I guess during 1Up's 'peak'..everyone kinda 'knew' eachother through the constant posts and back and forth comments..It was quite a miraculous thing..I suppoes most were spoiled in some way,shape or form by it's strange effect on users..Lots of stuff changed in my life in between my net life. Heh thanks.^_^

Captain N

01/07/2014 at 01:30 AM

Hello, nice to meet you Cami! Welcome to Pilxbit! Well I'm sure you know who I am so I wont bother with my intro lol I have known you since 2010 when I joined 1up (R.I.P. my friend) if I remember, glad to have met you. I used to be a bit good at art, just sketching stuff and sort of just stopped. But picked up art again since I met you so I have to thank you alot for that.

And funny thing, I used to make up my own characters in my mind too back then, I did stop on that but picked that up again because of my secret project. I'm still doing rought sketches of stuff but I may have something up in a month or so, who knows, I may give you a sneak peek. I also need to revive my DA account, might need it for my project too since photobucket wont cut it, don't want someone stealing my art.

I need to stop procrastinating on stuff and just do it but life happens. I guess I can just tell myself tomorrow is going to be awesome and hopefully get it done. I need to try and post more often too, but we'll see. The year just started and feel it might be good. I really like your art and banners, keep up the awesome and see you around. Hopefully, this time we don't have to say goodbye to a site like we did for 1up.


01/08/2014 at 04:23 AM

Haha..Your funny. ..2010?..Was it that far back..Maybe,I did sort of focus more on sketching or graphics work..I guess I've always been a bit fidgety and can't really sit and do nothing for too long..Heh..Your welcome,actually you could use something like tinypic for storing stuff that is rough or doesn't have your name printed on it yet. I use it a lot for some of my sketches and graphic work,there is also imgur if that works better for you but I know tinypic has no gigabyte limit like photobucket.(Although funny enough I think tinypic might be co-owned or maybe it was bought out? by photobucket..Or vise versa..I forget..) Not sure if imgur has any gig limits maybe it syas as you sign up..I know I use both cause i can share imgur through my phone since it has an app and tinypic is for general storage incase I lose data,since my work is mostly image based(My Writing spot's website and app covers the small amount of writing I do..)

Heh,thanks..Well hopefully that will be the too I look forward to what you have been working on..~


01/07/2014 at 03:50 AM

I always enjoy seeing good drawings. Especially of the anime-style. Good luck to whatever to you decide to create!


01/08/2014 at 04:04 AM

Hah,thank you..~

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/08/2014 at 03:09 AM

Art good. Hello you.


01/08/2014 at 03:46 AM


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