No doubt, I retract my previous. And as an aside....after seeing my son deflty maneuver the slingshot in Angry Birds, I just might be underestimating his abilities!
And you're 100% right about LBP2 being a fun game to play as a family.
No doubt, I retract my previous. And as an aside....after seeing my son deflty maneuver the slingshot in Angry Birds, I just might be underestimating his abilities!
And you're 100% right about LBP2 being a fun game to play as a family.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a game that wasn't anywhere on my radar this year, but pleasantly surprised me. I still need to check out the first DLC offering.
Having played and finished Brotherhood almost a year ago to this day, I'm glad I don't have the desire to pick up Revelations. I felt that lots in Brotherhood was just filler, like sending the Assassins out on missions. While it was a nice addition, it became waaaay too easy to level up your guild. Out of the 40 plus hours I put into the game's single and mp, I only ever lost a single assassin after sending them out.
It just wasn't a challenging game, and Revelations sounds like par for the course.
I gotta say, I was able to make it through half of this game with the most basic of weapons. Simply jump-kick the zombies, which nearly 100% of the time knocks them down to the ground. then, proceed to go to town on them with spammed curb-stomps. This will work for the basic zombie types.
the other more formiddable zombies - just hit'em with molotovs. Strategy plays very, very little into this game overall.
nice to see that the DS version wasn't really rendered obsolete by this one's "bells and whistles".
I actually think that Peace Walker HD is the best on the disc. Then again, I missed both MGS 2 and 3 when they first came out. My MGS experience is limited to Peace Walker and MGS 4: Guns Of The Patriots. I'll be expanding upon it all shortly though...think I'll give PW HD a rest and set my hooks in Snake Eater, try to experience the story in the right order.
and to think, I NEARLY renewed my Plus subscription for an entire year just to get this game for free....glad prudence won out
Chopping up the game to make more dough...leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. Reminds me of all the dlc cases from LA Noire.
What I most enjoy about Bethesda's open world fare is that if you see a door - you can open the door and go inside. If you see a chest - chances are there's loot inside.
The inclusion of deep, volumized lore and literature in the form of the game's many books aids immersion in a large way.
This is a pretty big cause for concern for those looking to adopt the new portable to replace their PSP. I for one won't be supporting the Vita until after a price drop....hopefully the Vita's release will drop the price on PSP handhelds low enough that I can snag one and a handful of games on the really cheap. Always loved the PSP, flaws included.