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SgtDawkins's Comments - Page 4

Give this Review of Golden Sun a Chance.....

Posted on 07/04/2013 at 08:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll endeavor to include more hardcore pornography next time.  And the game may be in the top half of my countdown, but numbers 190-230 are complete shit anyway.  So relative to the actual decent RPGs out there, it doesn't rank THAT high.

Give this Review of Golden Sun a Chance.....

Posted on 07/04/2013 at 08:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It could've carried the game back when those others you mentioned were released, but now.....?  I'd imagine the lack of a true hook is the reason why the RPG-fan community released a collective yawn when the game was released.

Give this Review of Golden Sun a Chance.....

Posted on 07/04/2013 at 08:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I REALLY don't get those DS polygonal graphics.  We ooohed and aaahhhed when it was on PS1 because we didn't know better, but pretty soon afterwards we all agreed the graphics looked like shit and were just a product of the era.  But then the DS RPGs did the same thing......mid-life-cycle PS2 graphics or SNES-era cartoon graphics.  Pick one, and if your system can't handle the former, do the latter.

Odin Sphere Review and Atlus Digression

Posted on 07/02/2013 at 08:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Right.  I forgot all about that.  But that's on the Japanese side of it, right?  Ah well, things get worse all around, life's great constant.

Odin Sphere Review and Atlus Digression

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 11:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Amen.  You've mentioned Divinity, and it wasn't even on my radar.  I know it exists, out there in the ether somewhere, but it never really caught my interest.  Now why is that?  Care to give a quick description?

Odin Sphere Review and Atlus Digression

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 11:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Music makes a big difference to me as well.  It never makes or breaks for me, but most of the games I love conincide with soundtracks I love.  I just discovered Castlevania: Bloodlines Stage 6 music, incidentally.  One of my greatest gaming pleasures is playing an older title that I missed back in the day and discovering some music that jumps to the top of my list.  

I find that I mostly don't listen to handheld RPG soundtracks.  I usually throw the tv on as background noise.  I'm playing Golden Sun: Dark Dawn right now, and I can't recall any of the music.....

Odin Sphere Review and Atlus Digression

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 11:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

George Kamitani definitely did the artwork for Muramasa.  I have it on my list to play eventually.  At my current rate of consuming games, I may get to it by 2016, but I doubt it.

Odin Sphere Review and Atlus Digression

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 11:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

No no, I love my old Nintendo games.  Yeah, they could be repetetive, but they were rarely so long that you felt like you were grinding.  There are so many NES titles I could play over and over again, because they are sublime gaming experiences.  They don't wear out their welcome.....  wait, are we talking about NES and SNES or post 16-bit?  I don't feel the same way about N64 forward, but that's because I'm old.

Odin Sphere Review and Atlus Digression

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 11:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There are so many Atlus games just laying around in my collection.  I just stare at them sometimes and say "am I really going to enjoy this one?"  I often think to myself that I want to get really involved in a game from start to finish, and I rarely finish Atlus games.  People seem to agree with you about Persona.  I liked 3, but didn't love it.

Odin Sphere Review and Atlus Digression

Posted on 07/01/2013 at 11:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm looking forward to Dragon's Crown as well.  I just hope it avoids some of the mistakes that bogged down Odin's Sphere.  Is it supposed to be anything like Guardian Heroes?  I like brawlers where you can level up and choose your path...... wait, are there any others?

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