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SgtDawkins's Comments - Page 3

My Summer 2013 Games..... and Anecdote!

Posted on 07/30/2013 at 08:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not done with Wario yet, but as of now, I like Wario Land III better.  More expansive, less linear, gets me every time.  I think Wario Land III is one of my top fifty all time, though.  Still, WLII is pretty fun!

My Summer 2013 Games..... and Anecdote!

Posted on 07/30/2013 at 08:18 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm one of those weird people who absolutely loves 1 and 3 (episode 1) but didn't absolutely love 2.  Episode 2 is just like episode 1, so I'm really enjoying it thus far.  I'm almost half way done now, and I don't have any really strange characters yet, but it's nice to see how the scenarios overlap.  I'll write about it when I'm done.  :)

My Summer 2013 Games..... and Anecdote!

Posted on 07/30/2013 at 08:17 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's more a function of time than anything else.  I literally have like five dozen things written, and I just don't have the time to dig up pictures to post with them.  I also don't want to inundate the pixlbit market with my ramblings.  

That having been said, Rudras is frigging aweseome.  Final Fantasy IV, Dragon Quest IV, Super Mario RPG aweseome.  I couldn't give it higher praise.  I'll post my review soon.  But in the meantime, put it at the top of your list!

My Summer 2013 Games..... and Anecdote!

Posted on 07/30/2013 at 01:22 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll buy GTA, Dragon's Crown and the new Tales game.  I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones I can think of offhand.  I've made a pretty major dent in my backog this year, which is nice.  And I guess I'd rather play the old games than the new ones......

Shining Force isn't THAT expensive to play.  Seriously.  If you don't have the Saturn, I'm sure you can get one for $50.  Then it's probably around $30 for each of the three games.  Overall that's not a bad price if you're a collector.  Anyway, I'm half way through episode 2 (played episode 1 like fifteen years ago) and it's pretty much the same as the first episode.  Which means it's pretty terrific. :)

Bionic Commando Review

Posted on 07/29/2013 at 10:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's been a while since you wrote this, but I've been working every night.  When do I get a break?!

I don't love Phantom 2040.  I tried playing it again recently, and found the controls clunky and floaty.  Super Turrican 2 I've never played.

Now, Ninja Five-O is the grappling game of note that I forgot all about when writing this.  That's a game well worth playing.  You should emulate immediately if you haven't already.  Or pay $150 for an original copy.  Your choice.  :)

Top 230 RPGs: 130-121

Posted on 07/06/2013 at 08:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Don't most of the Tales' protagonists start off as entitled losers who have to learn about humility and heroism?  I like the series, but they truly are the Summer movies of video games.  Fast and fun, but without much substance.

Oooh, forgot about the lack of save points in Radiata Stories

Top 230 RPGs: 130-121

Posted on 07/06/2013 at 08:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Snots was actually a pretty big dick, and a drug user whose vices spanned everything from steroids to coke to burning random shit for no reason.  He's in Florida now, and sometimes calls one of the old gang to ask for money.  Last we heard of him, he called a friend crying to say his father had passed away, and he needed money to fly up to New York for the funeral.  Literally that day, the same friend happened to see Snots' dad (for the first time in like five years) at a Home Depot.  Talk about shitty timing for Snots!

Give this Review of Golden Sun a Chance.....

Posted on 07/05/2013 at 04:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

For ten dollars, it's worth completing the collection.  But there are so many better games out there.....

Give this Review of Golden Sun a Chance.....

Posted on 07/05/2013 at 04:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ten dollars seems about right.  I always wish there were flea markets around where I live so that I can find games for ten dollars.  I always end up spending too much.  

Remember, though, there are games out there for five dollars that have more than they crammed into Golden Sun.

Give this Review of Golden Sun a Chance.....

Posted on 07/04/2013 at 08:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Sometimes "like" isn't enough to carry the day.  I liked Persona 3 but just didn't finish it.  At my age, a game has to hook me completely or I just give up 3/4 of the way through.

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