If you don't have a sense of humor, that is.
Yes, it's true. PixlTalk is still alive despite an almost year long hiatus. Between moves and children being born and a slew of other excuses events, we haven't had an opportunity to get together to do one of these in a very long time. Like most episodes of the show we're all over the place, but the unique dynamic between all participants makes it something worth tuning in for.
A beautiful port that's unfortunately light on features.
As an avid fan of the Wii, I’ll be the first to tell you that Muramasa: The Demon Blade ranks up there as one of the best games on the system. Unsurprisingly, I’ve also enjoyed the title on the Vita, but my second pass through has laid bare many of the title’s shortcomings.
I'm tripping out of my skull!
I’ve often said that simplicity is underrated, especially when it comes to video games. Growing up there wasn’t much you had to learn to play a video game. With only two buttons and a d-pad, there were only so many control schemes you could cram into an NES game. Some may think that’s limiting, but I think it’s more inviting. Anyone can pick up an NES game and be able to figure out the basic controls right away. Mastering these controls, well, that’s a different thing all together.