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9 Franchises We Want to See in HD

The PixlBit staff loves HD and wants to see some of their favorite franchises get the treatment.

HD collections seem to be all the rage these days.  The craze began with Sony’s release of the God of War collection – collecting the first two games in the series – on the PS3.  This was promptly followed up by the HD Sly Cooper Collection, also on the PS3.

With all of the success that Sony was having it was only a matter of time before other companies started collecting classics together and releasing them with a fresh coat of HD paint, the first being Ubisoft’s Prince of Persia series.  After that it’s been a veritable title wave of remasters and collections spanning from The Tomb Raider Trilogy to the Ico and Shadow of the Colossus collection.

Yesterday saw the release of the much anticipated Metal Gear Solid HD collection – a title that begins the next wave of major HD remasters including collections of Silent Hill, Zone of the Enders and the recently announced Devil May Cry series.

HD collections allow old fans to revisit old memories and for new fans to see what all the fuss was really about.  Love them or hate them, they aren’t going anywhere for a while, so we here at PixlBit have embraced the concept and have come up with a little wish list of nine franchises we want to see get the HD treatment.

Share your thoughts on HD collections and what games or franchises you would like to see remastered in the comments section below and enjoy!

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Chris Yarger Community Manager

07/23/2013 at 01:30 PM

This came out nearly two years ago it's nice to see at least one of these games are getting the HD treatment!

Now if we could only see some of the others come along...

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