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Add notifications when new bloggers show up?

Reply #1 - February 02, 2014 11:17 PM EST
Super Step

Posts: 51
Join Date: February 2013

I talked about this with a couple people on Pixlbit. I freaking love messages and these new forums, heck I requested messages, but I do think that because I tend to go straight to my inbox, it leads to me not always seeing when people I'm not already following post on here, making things a bit too exclusive to 1up refugees and first gen Pixlbits.

Anyway, loving these forums! Now to see about that burrito question.

Reply #2 - February 03, 2014 01:46 PM EST
Nick DiMola

Posts: 111
Join Date: September 2009

I talked about this with a couple people on Pixlbit. I freaking love messages and these new forums, heck I requested messages, but I do think that because I tend to go straight to my inbox, it leads to me not always seeing when people I'm not already following post on here, making things a bit too exclusive to 1up refugees and first gen Pixlbits.

Anyway, loving these forums! Now to see about that burrito question.

Hmm, interesting idea. Let me think on this and see what I can do.

Reply #3 - February 04, 2014 10:01 AM EST
Jesse Miller

Posts: 3
Join Date: August 2011

Perhaps something along the lines of a "New Users" listing - like a Welcome Area for the latest users so that people can say hi and such.  You could even make it an option for people signing up, so that those that just want to quietly have an account don't get bombarded with emails and follows just as they signup.  This would make sure that we're not generating a ton of messages and spamming everyone's mailbox.

Reply #4 - February 04, 2014 01:35 PM EST
Jamie Alston

Posts: 6
Join Date: February 2013

Perhaps something along the lines of a "New Users" listing - like a Welcome Area for the latest users so that people can say hi and such.  You could even make it an option for people signing up, so that those that just want to quietly have an account don't get bombarded with emails and follows just as they signup.  This would make sure that we're not generating a ton of messages and spamming everyone's mailbox.

I like that suggestion.

Reply #5 - February 07, 2014 09:36 PM EST
Super Step

Posts: 51
Join Date: February 2013

Perhaps something along the lines of a "New Users" listing - like a Welcome Area for the latest users so that people can say hi and such.  You could even make it an option for people signing up, so that those that just want to quietly have an account don't get bombarded with emails and follows just as they signup.  This would make sure that we're not generating a ton of messages and spamming everyone's mailbox.

I like that suggestion.

Me too, actually.

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