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Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden Review Rewind

Tecmo Ninja

When I hear the word "ninja", one thing immediately comes to mind- the 80's. It was an era that was very friendly to ninja culture and the kids that embraced it. Meanwhile, video game developers where busy cooking up games of the same nature in the arcades. Tecmo was one of those developers, and in 1988, they released a brawler of sorts called Ninja Gaiden. A year later, they ported the game over to the NES, but changed the style of gameplay to better fit the style of home console gaming. They replaced the "beat 'em up" theme with a simple action/platformer approach with a bigger emphasis on well-timed jumps and using awesome ninja skills. Tecmo also added a deeper story and a new way to tell it.

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Nintendo Has Big Plans For The 3DS eShop

Tons of original releases, Virtual Console titles, and demos are on the way.

Nintendo is known for many things, and chief among them would be their amazingly popular library of games. While that has kept the company firmly in the hearts and minds of millions of gamers, most hardcore fans would admit that the Big N hasn’t quite leveraged the digital space as well as they could. Nintendo is hoping to turn that sentiment around when it comes to the 3DS eShop. The eShop has seen some impressive original releases and some classics on the Virtual Console, but Nintendo is coming strong with a lineup of titles and content from October through the end of the year.

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