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Scene It? Movie Night

Xbox Live's December Sales Report

Sonic CD and Joe Danger succeeded financially and critically.

December is typically a slow month for video games. After the onslaught of releases during October and November, the last month of the year is usually reserved for buyers to purchase what's available. But some quality titles do continue to be released, and they're usually downloadable titles.

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Scene It? Movie Night Review

While fun with friends, this addition to the Scene It? franchise lacks the substance to make a lasting impression.

Scene It? has been around for a while now and there have been more than a few video game adaptations of the popular DVD/film based trivia game.  Now the game based on the premise of useless cinematic know-how has wound up on the PSN and XBLA as a downloadable game. The move to a digital format makes perfect sense for this type of game, but this stripped down version fails to capture the more fleshed out experience we've come to expect from the franchise.

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