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Captain N's Games of the Decade: Expansion Pass 2 Game #8

On 02/21/2022 at 01:44 AM by Captain N

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Expansion Pass 2 Game #8/Blog a Day #20

Hello everyone, how are you?

VIdeo games this past decade had reached a point that you could compare them to movies. It really depends on the game and no series lends itself more perfectly than Naughty Dog's Uncharted series. The games are often described as "games that want to be movies" and I can see why because it's true. Sometimes you really do feel like you are watching a movie, heck graphics have reached a point where you can take that saying literally. While Nathan Drake's journey came to an end with Uncharted 4, the series still continues and today I'm going to talk about a game that continues the legacy in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy...


Lost Legacy 

                                                              What a great view...

In Uncharted: The Lost Legacy you play as Chloe Frazer who was introduced way back in Uncharted 2 and her last appearance, to my knowledge was in Uncharted 3. She was a side character in those games but in this game she gets the starring role. In the game Chloe travels to India in search of the Tusk of Ganesh, but with this being Uncharted that means she isn't the only one searching for treasure.

Chloe isn't Nate but she can really handle her own during fights. Chloe is actually much more athletic and acrobatic than Nate himself which is pretty cool and I like that she just isn't a copy of Drake when it comes to abilities and whatnot. I also really love how the enemy A.I. reactsto what you're doing. If you are hiding they will try to flush you out. It's really cool because it makes you think how to approach fights.

The environments are really beautiful, I definitely feel that they did a really great choice with the locations that they used this time around. Especially once you reach the Western Ghats you'll know what I mean.

"But Captain N, where can I play this game?" Well you can play it on PS4 by getting a physical copy or digital if you want,  or on PS5 and PC as part of the new Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection that they released recently. You have more options now so it's up to you what platform you want to play this game on.


Lost Legacy

                                           It can be rewarding going to a different path 

Final Thoughts: I really enjoyed this game a lot. One thing I loved is that the game focuses on a  different cast of characters outside of Nathan Drake himself. Whether they were friends, mutual acquaintances, or former enemies, I feel they did a great job giving these characters a time to shine. I honeslty would love another game like this that focuses on Sully or even Sam as well. Heck a game that has both Sully and Sam, that would be an interesting game.

The locations and set pieces in this game are gorgeous, they might just be among the best in the series. Many times during pauses or breaks in the story, I would just go out and explore and amire the beautiful scenery. The game does offer a degree of freedom with mutiple paths to explore and I think that was a good idea because it gives you the option of what path to take.

I'll be honest, it feels like Lost Legacy could have been dlc for Uncharted 4 but in fact it actually was at some point considered as an expansion for Uncharted 4. It definitely feels smaller in scope I suppose compared to the previous games but the maps feel larger compared to UC4. Is that bad? No I don't think so. In fact I feel this game is about as long as the previous entries since that's about how long the single-player story in these games last. The Lost Legacy is definitely worthy of the Uncharted legacy.


 Lost Legacy

                                                       Pach Saw! Wait, wrong game.

No matter what path you take, I'm sure you will carve out your own legacy that you can be proud of.

That's it for game #8, game #07 coming soon. Thanks for reading and...


Bad Guy Oath


*All images were taken by my PS4 and my copy of the game*



Cary Woodham

02/21/2022 at 08:25 AM

Are you going to see the Uncharted movie?


02/21/2022 at 02:39 PM

Uncharted is a great game series. You're making want to run out and reaquire a PS4. I may just do that. But, I still have a PS3 and can play the first three games just fine. 

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