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Jonathan Drake's Comments - Page 5

Saints Row's "Implied Sexual Violence..."

Posted on 06/29/2013 at 02:22 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Actually, the Saints' leader is the one who will do the probing, since the player can his hands on a (hopefully just cleaned) Anal Probe Gun.

Seeing now he or she is the President of the USA, maybe someone thought there was hidden meaning behind that.


Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Review

Posted on 05/04/2013 at 02:56 AM | Filed Under Review

I will be serving Justice tonight pal... with loads of lead.

Year Of The Snake update

Posted on 04/22/2013 at 01:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Did that white snake yell "BROTHER" when you captured it?


Posted on 03/31/2013 at 01:01 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Getting excited about a game years from, especially when Kojima-San is involved, is bad business. Kojima probably enjoys watching all the hype and misleading us :P

My Obsession with the SMT Universe.

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 07:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Shame on me, but Nocturne and Devil Summoner are just sitting on shelf, waiting the day I will finally pick them up and play them.

I played quite a bit of Devil Summoner and found it to be quite fun. I hope Atlus gives us more of Raidou Kuzunoha.

The Witcher

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 06:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The Witcher 2 is a great game,and should CD Projekt pour the same labor and love in the third entry, we will have an awesome game.

Unfortunately, my PC isn't up to the task of running The Witcher. For now my only solace is reading the books. If you enjoyed the game story and the reading type, I definitely recommend it :)

The Ethics of Releasing a Buggy Game

Posted on 03/18/2013 at 10:59 PM | Filed Under Feature

Indeed, a tough subject. Skipping patches completely is bad call, since some bugs may slip past testing, or even improve on a game - I believe Dark Souls had a balacing patch released at some point and The Witcher saw some improvement in its Enhanced Edition.

Day one patches are harder to justify though. A game should always be released in a playable state, period. If Bethesda can't make sure its games will be released at top condition, decency dictates the devs be at least forthcoming about it. Customers have the right to know what they are getting.

I Miss Playing Video Games

Posted on 03/17/2013 at 11:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Kind of weird, the more technology progresses, the more it tends to fail in complete stupid ways. My PS3 occasionally decides it hasn't been properly shut off, but it hasn't given any headaches like that.

Give it some resting time and enjoy those PS2 and GameCube. They are both awesome consoles with awesome games.

Capcom Readies Dungeons & Dragons for PSN & XBLA

Posted on 03/17/2013 at 10:56 PM | Filed Under News

Awesome news. I have played Tower of Doom a long time ago, and only got glimpses of Shadow Over Mystara in gaming mags. It will be great to replay the former and to get to know the latter.

I hope Capcom add an online multiplayer mode. Games like these are great to be played with a group of friends, on- or offline :) 

Allusions Rising: Gearing Toward Greatness

Posted on 03/15/2013 at 01:06 AM | Filed Under Feature

Common space marine warfare narrative is Vanquish's main shortcoming, actually. The story doesn't feature any remarkable characters or moments, except for the action oriented ones. 

The only reason to play it is gameplay. Though similar to many 3rd person shooters, the action is all about speed. Zipping through the battlefield is really a blast, and though the enemies are generally dull looking robots, the battles are intense and Boss encounters are rather satisfying. 

It is worth a shot, if you like 3rd person shooting and if you can get it cheap

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