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bullet656's Comments - Page 26

BaD Review: A Clip Show

Posted on 03/01/2013 at 11:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That community episode was great.  Another one of my favorite clip shows was the second episode of the clerks animated series.  The second episode was a clip show of the characters looking back at the great times they had-from the first episode.  If I remember correctly it even had a couple clips from earlier in the same episode

Gravity Rush! Glad I played Ya!

Posted on 03/01/2013 at 09:31 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Gravity Rush was a great game.  Uncharted was pretty good too.  I'm currently playing FF  Tactics on the Vita since I never beat it on the consoles.

The only game I have purchased so far for the Vita is P4G (the ones mentioned above I got for free from the PSN+).  I played that over the last couple months and loved every minute of it.  I hope to actually start the Vita soon by actually buying games, but they just gave away so many free ones  that I've had plenty to play over the last few months since I got it. I'm very curious about zero escape and might end up getting that soon.

#100 Planet M.U.L.E.: Colonization for the Future

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 08:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Mule is great game. I used to play it a lot long ago on my C64. I heard about planet Mule a little while back and got addicted again for a little while. So much strategy for such a simple looking (and old) game. 

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is probably my favorite Heinlein book, but I can't say I'm a big fan of his-although i've read practically every book he has written. I can't help it, when I start reading an author I can't stop until I've read everything. I'm weird like that about basically all forms of entertainment.)

New buys today.

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 08:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I had Atlantis, but don't really remember it too well. Yars Revenge was something special though.  I never actually owned it, but I would always look forward to playing it.

 My parents had some friends who had an atari with Yar's Revenge.  When they would go visit them and force me to come along, they would allow me to go off to the den and play the atari. I would spent hours playing Yars Revenge (along with other atari games that we didn't have, like the smurfs) when otherwise I would have been bored sitting around and listening to adults talk.

Is it just me or is 1UP officially off the air

Posted on 02/26/2013 at 03:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Dang, looks like it's gone.

...actually you're right.  It's appears to be going on and then off again.

My love affair with games

Posted on 02/26/2013 at 11:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Nice blog. 

 I guess I could blame my dad for me being into gaming, which is kind of odd since he never really played many games.  He has just always been into technology.  We had an atari with a bunch of games when I was young.  He also had a commodore 64 and a friend that was part of some hacking community, so we had literally hundreds of C64 games that I played (once I became a fan, I started actually paying for games though).

It sounds kind of silly, but when I was really young I used to have a universe in my head where all the games were connected, and I was like some super spy/soldier/etc that would be sent on these missions and have to assume the identity of whatever character I was playing in the game.  I would even pretend my real-life friends were the secondary characters.

 Anyways, except for a short time in college I have been buying and playing games ever since.

Final Fantasy Retrospective: The PlayStation Years

Posted on 02/26/2013 at 10:44 AM | Filed Under Feature

I wish I had played these games when they first came out.  After having played the first two Dragon Warrior (Quest) games alot when they first came out, I never really played many other RPGs for many years.  I did start Quest 64 and quit after realizing that it was absolute garbage.

 I did watch a college roomate play through FF 10, but that was really my only experience with final fantasy until recently.  Over the past couple years I decided to check out what I had been missing out on.  I've now played through FF 6, 7, and 9.  I liked all of them well enough, but I'm sure they would have felt more special if I had played them when they were new (and I was younger).

The Nature of Reviews

Posted on 02/26/2013 at 08:55 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I care more for the 'voice of the reviewer' than for any number or checklist.  I completely agree that reviews are subjective, so I like to get a feel for the reviewer when reading the review.  

  Sometimes I'll read a review from a reviewer that I like, and who thinks the game they are reviewing is bad, but after having read the review I realize that I'll probably end up liking the game.  If it was just a checklist review without any commentary then I'd have no way of knowing this.

February Reviews

Posted on 02/26/2013 at 07:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I enjoyed the cave, but it does get very tedious when playing by yourself.  The backtracking in the mining cart level was the most annoying.

 I need to try out Stranger’s Wrath again.  I had been waiting for years to play it, and got it as soon as it came out on the PSN.  I got maybe halfway into it, and then put it aside when I became frustrated at a certain point.  I’ve always meant to pick it up again.  Maybe getting it on the Vita will help.

 I’ll probably get Sly Cooper soon.  I didn’t play the original trilogy until the HD update, but I had a lot of fun with them and am looking forward to the new one.

Welcome to PixlBit!

Posted on 02/25/2013 at 03:44 PM | Filed Under Feature

Just want to add my thanks for the welcome!

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