Oh..I actually meant to say multipile series but anyhow..Your welcome.~
Oh..I actually meant to say multipile series but anyhow..Your welcome.~
..Heh, congrats on the weightloss..~ Funny..I got myself a domo shirt too..Sorta wonder if certain game series would or have made some shirts I'd buy..Then again I pretty much have plenty of shirts..Mostly need more pants to balance the ratio..
Hah..Guess matches can get pretty intense..Can't help but think though, that Cross Tag Battle might just make 2D fighters seem fun for those that have only really seen one like BlazBlue from afar..But it might end up being pretty brutal for those new to fighting games and decide to pick up/play online day one..I can imagine a lot of players from the games included playing online too.(Of course that is possibly a ways off from now.)
I've heard of Darkstalkers.(And seen Morgan in other games.) Only heard of Injustice haven't really seen gameplay..Guess I've mostly been roughly keeping up with 2D fighters.
Well..Dammit, here is a link if that hopefully works..No idea what's up. Might have to do the same thing again and edit the post.
...Hah..I might be makin' a leap to a "next gen' system sometime soon...We shall see.
Heh..I see, it was kinda different for myself..Sounds good, do you plan to post something you eventually feel satisfied with?
..Huh, I got a purple Gamecube..And a Wii is sat upon it keeping most of the dust off of it..I think my brother has the N64/SNES systems..
..That sounds like there isn't enough Swiffer dusters in the world..In general for life in Arizona!
Wow, that's nice of him to let you borrow his Switch till you beat Breath of Wild.