A cinematic introduction of the struggles between the Marines and Xenomorphs aboard the USS Sulaco.
A cinematic introduction of the struggles between the Marines and Xenomorphs aboard the USS Sulaco.
Bioware delivers on their promises and that’s about it.
In many ways, Mass Effect 3’s ending was a mess. Whether you were content with it or not, it’s hard to dispute the many shortcomings of the endings. There were numerous plot holes, inconsistencies and an overall lack of closure that left fans of the series angry and confused. Following the uproar of complaints about Mass Effect 3’s original ending, Bioware decided to take an opportunity to expand and elaborate on the endings that we already got. While this isn’t exactly what all fans wanted, I feel this is the best thing Bioware could have done to keep the integrity of their ending.
The rest of this article contains spoilers of the ending to Mass Effect 3 and its Extended Cut
The free extended ending is right around the corner.
The long awaited DLC that is meant to clear up and expand upon the controversial endings to Mass Effect 3 is on the horizon. Due out Tuesday, June 26, the Extended Cut DLC will expand upon the ending that left so many people in an uproar for weeks after the initial release of the game.
Free DLC to provide closure to the controversial ending.
Those angered by the endings of Mass Effect 3 may finally get the closure they desire. Bioware has announced that this summer, the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut DLC will be released to give fans “clarity to the ending of Mass Effect 3 and insight on how your personal journey concludes.”