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Super Mario Maker Review

Mario Paint for the 21st Century, if it allowed your childhood dream to come true.

Most of us have played a 2-D Mario game at some point in our lives, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one that really wanted to make a Mario level and have others play it in years past. Granted, people have made attempts to make their own Mario levels with varying degrees of success, but Miyamoto and friends finally granted my wish for Mario’s 30th anniversary in the form of Super Mario Maker. As far as level creation tools go, Super Mario Maker is a great level creation tool that has seen over six million levels created since its launch last year. Needless to say, the game is a hit with Mario fans everywhere. However, there are still flaws it has to iron out.

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Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Review

This spiritual successor to Kirby: Canvas Curse will give you a better appreciation of Claymation.

Kirby’s morph ball versatility has allowed him to assume the role of a pinball, a golf ball, and a rolling ball controlled by a… rainbow brush. That last one came from 2005’s Kirby: Canvas Curse DS, which used the touch screen to draw lines for guiding Kirby through all sorts of obstacle filled levels. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, the pink puffball’s first Wii U title, follows the same style of gameplay but improves the experience in a number of ways and does it with a fantastic visual style.

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Bayonetta 2 Review

Bayonetta needs someone to play with, again.

In the first ten minutes of the game, you are riding on top of a big fighter jet battling angels while a giant snake-like angel is flying around. The fight moves to a train against a grotesque angel with a whip arm, and then the demon you summoned goes berserk and sends your best friend to Inferno. This is just the start of a game full of great production values and stellar gameplay. It easily ranks as one of the best third person action games I’ve played since the original.

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Super Metroid Review Rewind

It's going to be thirty cents for a month on Wii U, and that is a steal.

More stunning confessions from me to you! I didn’t get into the Metroid series until Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion, and didn’t even play Super Metroid until maybe two years after I played Metroid Prime. While the first Prime title took many design inspirations from Super Metroid, I didn’t enjoy Super Metroid at first, mostly because I played it through less than reputable means. Once I got to play it on the Wii Virtual Console, I finally understood why this game is considered an SNES classic. Super Metroid sports great game design, with a wonderful atmosphere unparalleled on any 16-bit system. At only 30 cents on the Wii U eShop until June 16, there’s little reason to not give this excellent title a shot.

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Project Sora Closes

Sora ran out of magic spells and keys to unlock new video games.

The developer who designed the critically acclaimed Kid Icarus: Uprising has shut its doors recently. Unfortunately, the company has released a statement on their website noting that they closed on June 30, 2012. The company was spawned as a joint venture between Sakurai and Nintendo and funded almost entirely by the Big N.

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Wii U GamePad Sports Short Battery Life

Just when you get into your groove, the controller powers down. Update: Pitchforks down, everyone: it charges while you play.

After catching a glimpse of the Wii U's potential at Nintendo’s conference, some of the excitement is tempered by the raw facts on battery life. According to official figures from Nintendo, the Wii U Gamepad will only last for 3-5 hours on battery charge. Since most of its functionality shown at E3 involves players moving it in multiple directions and around the room, it may be tough to charge and play with the controller at the same time.

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Run Again and Trip on Bits

Bit.Trip presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien announced for WiiU, too.

Commander Video, the star of the Bit.Trip series and by extension, Bit.Trip presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien, is officially coming to Wii U. Already announced for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the title will officially debut alongside the brand new system.

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Nintendo Wii U to Launch With Exclusive Survival-Horror Shooter

Sounds thrilling.

After a tongue-in-cheek teaser for a zombie game during yesterday's Nintendo Direct presentation, Ubisoft formally announced "ZombieU" today at E3. The Wii U exclusive will set players in a zombie outbreak on the streets of modern day London as thousands are ravaged by a deadly virus. The first person shooter integrates interactive elements, GamePad controls, multiplayer, and more. 

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What if?: Legend of Zelda: Cucco Quest Wii U

Story, control, and gameplay ideas for a Zelda reboot.

After 25 years and 13 games, Zelda is certainly no spring chicken. We've heard more about Link, the Triforce, Ganon, and a plot hole-ridden timeline than you can shake a Deku stick at. It looks like Skyward Sword will shake things up, but for me it's not enough. The world of Hyrule needs a new hero to rise. That hero is the cucco.

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