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Nerds Without Pants Episode 184: The Mod Squad

Control Alt My Feet was robbed.

Hey, it’s another episode of Nerds Without Pants! It’s a pretty good one, I think. This post is lackluster at best because I got two hours of sleep last night, which is not even long enough to sleep through this episode. That makes sense, right? Cool.

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QuakeCon 2014 for Your Eye Holes

Feel like you were there without leaving your chair.

PixlBit brings you a peek into QuakeCon 2014 through (mediocre) photographs of everything that's happening. Check back periodically for more pictures throughout the day!

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The Elder Scrolls Forge: Texture & Lighting for Skyrim

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Forge! An ongoing, episodic feature that showcases the coolest mods for The Elder Scrolls Anthology.

As many of you have probably heard, Bethesda recently announced The Elder Scrolls: Anthology, available September 10th. Community created content is synonymous with Bethesda's fantasy role-playing franchise, so we figured that now would be the perfect time to showcase some awesome mods in an on-going feature entitled "The Forge". Each feature will showcase a different type of mods for a specific Elder Scrolls title, so if you don't see a beloved mod featured then fret not, there will definitely be multiple installments for each criteria. If you're interested in obtaining any mod, simply click on its title to be taken to the Nexus Community page where you can snag yourself a download. So without further ado, let's get started with Texture & Lighting mods for Skyrim! 

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A Quick Look at QuakeCon

Take a peek at what it's like at QuakeCon 2013!

Although QuakeCon hasn’t wrapped up yet, it has pretty much settled into its groove until its Sunday conclusion. If you weren’t able to make it to Dallas for this year’s free gathering of FPS nuts, I snapped a few pictures to help give you a feel for the show.

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Skyrim Guards Go Gangnam Style

Youtube user abexomotron1 uploaded a video with a pair of guards in Skyrim showing that they are keeping up with the latest trends. No real explanation of how this mod came together is provided, but the cryptic text accompanying the video indicates that motion capture was used.

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Top Ten Skyrim Mods

These just might be what you need to avoid … an arrow to the knee!

The Elders Scrolls series has always been known for their lively modding community, and Skyrim is no different. Now a few weeks after the release of the creation kit we’re starting to see some amazing mods that add new challenges, content, and a few laughs. 

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