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Google Glass: Distraction made simple!

On 05/16/2013 at 03:12 PM by smartcelt

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 They make it look so chic and elegant here,don't they? Is this the new must have gizmo for hipsters? Perhaps....but I just wonder why anyone would need this at all. Anything Google Glass can do can be done on your phone or tablet. Granted,some people are directionally challenged and need some help navigating their path about a city. I'm the exact opposite of that. First time I went to New York City I rarely looked at my map as I wandered all over Manhattan. I'd seen the city enough on TV I could use buildings to navigate and tell north from south. I think folks may get into accidents if they try using these while walking around a busy city. And you know car wrecks will occur from people browsing their Facebook page while driving! It just seems to be a bit too much. Are we really that lazy that we can't hold a phone and focus on it?

 These are just going to make people more detached from the world around them and the people right in front of their faces. People will watch stupid cat videos on YouTube while you try to make a point in conversation. You know that will happen...God help us if you can text with it!

 "Yeah,try having to wear one of these things all the time! Not so funny now,is it?"

 I don't even want to know the hideous and mundane things people will be recording and sending out to the world with Google Glass. The pervs will have a lot of fun with it I'm sure. I read that Ceasars Palace in Vegas has banned it from the casino. You mean it was being used to cheat at poker? Say it isn't so! Who would do such a thing? How many of these glasses will be crushed under the foot of bouncers at strip clubs? Probably quite a few I would imagine.

Interesting idea....but I think I would use a word like "prolapse" instead. Let's see just how fast you can yank them off your head. Not fast enough!

What I'm listening to today..........



Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/16/2013 at 03:16 PM

Cat Power is good.  I'm a guy and not afraid to say that. 

good blog.  I don't know how I feel about google glass.  I am intrigured by the i-watch idea though. 

Mostly I just want oculus rift so I can totally zone out on video games. 


05/16/2013 at 03:24 PM

First time I saw Cat Power was on Austin City Limits,where she did most of the songs off that album. That band she had there was cool. I will probably get Oculus Rift if the games are good. That will be what either makes or breaks it.


05/16/2013 at 03:19 PM

Yeah, that's my main worry too. People already do enough stupid shit with phones, and you at least have to carry them around and use the touch screens to work them. The last thing we need is the process being streamlined even further--it's obnoxious enough as it is.


05/16/2013 at 03:26 PM

People lack the ability to focus on images in one eye and also see everything ahead of them. I don't care what the folks at Google say.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/16/2013 at 03:59 PM

Yeah, they did an SNL sketch on Weekend Update recently where Fred Amisen(d?) was looking at porn while talking to Seth Meyers. Personally, I think voice commands in general just make you look like a doofus in public, unless you're the captain of a spaceship ... which at the current time, you definitely are not, so you just look like a doofus in public.

Granted, I don't have your sense of direction, so for that it might not be too bad in my case. lol


05/16/2013 at 04:24 PM

Awesome! I have to go watch that SNL sketch.


05/16/2013 at 04:33 PM

That was a funny sketch! I love Fred Armisen,he's great on SNL and Portlandia. I have always been better with maps,because I like holding something physical that I can get a broader scope with. In my line of work you have to know directions and short cuts between facilities. Saves a lot of time.


05/16/2013 at 04:03 PM

I don't even know what this is lol. Glasses that allow you to use Google or something? That seems like it would be really distracting. I get pissed off when people talk on the phone or text while driving.


05/16/2013 at 04:24 PM

It uses augemented reality tech which overlays online images over top whatever you are looking at in the real world.


05/16/2013 at 04:38 PM

You seem to have a handle on this thing. I have not experimented with any augmented reality games yet,but there are a bunch out there. The fighting game I saw on a blog the other day looked sort of cool.


05/16/2013 at 04:43 PM

I have those AR card for the 3DS but I haven't used them yet. What's my problem?


05/16/2013 at 04:22 PM

Ever ask that question of someone, "Are you talking to me?" and notice they are on the phone? Now you can ask, "Are you looking at me?" and notice they are staring at something on their Google Glasses. The disconnect in meat space grows daily!


05/16/2013 at 04:35 PM

This will really piss you off,then! As I know,this allows you to look at stuff in your right eye as it is projected onto the glass in front of that eyeball. Don't know how clear it might be as I have not tried one out.


05/16/2013 at 04:39 PM

I would be great for tourists as extra information about a location would be on that screen as you are looking at things. Museums too. I question how distracting it might be while driving though.


05/16/2013 at 04:31 PM

Good points.  I perceive Google Glass as an inevitable evolution in tech progression.  If we can think it, surely someone will try to create it.  I don't see it being practical, though.  I don't expect mainstream market penetration, but maybe the armed forces will find it valuable.  And yes, the SNL skit was great.


05/16/2013 at 04:40 PM

I'm sure the military is working on a way to kill people using this technology. Seems to be the first thing they do with any new tech. But killing is their business.....and business is good! As the Megadeth song said years ago.


05/16/2013 at 04:41 PM

It's a interesting way to integrate the internet into everyday life. We're not going to know what is real or online soon.


05/17/2013 at 08:55 AM

I was going to call star trek but you beat me to it! still nothing is as crazy as what the japanese have in store:

Apple are soooooooooo last year!


05/19/2013 at 12:52 PM

oh you know you'll be sporting these when they go mainstream Tongue Out

this whole thing kinda reminds me of the whole futurama episode with their "eyephone" where it showed people doing crazy things with it.

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