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Everyone must piss stones...

On 04/07/2014 at 10:40 PM by GeminiMan78

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 Hello all! I actually had a plan for this blog but decided to do like I always do and just wing it. Which means another disjointed spastic blog that I will badly edit and shamelesly post anyway cause I'm lazy.

Well I recently had some down time thanks to a massive kidney stone (7 mm!). The downside, I was either hurting too much or too doped up to enjoy the time off. So I slept and caught up on all the crap I'm hoarding on Netflix. Not that I did not get some game time in there when I could. I had been working on getting my Gunzerker in Borderlands 2 up to lv 72 and managed to finish that. I wanted to move onto my Commando but I'm just burned out and the final Headhunter dlc comes out next week, so I'm taking a break and have jumped back into Skyrim.

Skyrim, what can I say its a hell of a game. I just hit lv30 last night and I probably have 80 or 90 hours logged, and I am nowhere near finishing. I'm playing as a Kajiit who are a race of feline humanoids who make very good stealth type builds.Theives, assassins, rogues, and such. My Kajiit goes by the name Tchur and aside from being very sneaky has gotten very good with a bow. Although my character has an affinty for alchemy I have found enchanting to be a much more useful skill. Potions are always great but poisons & potions weight can add up quick, so I have ditched poisons (too time consume and tricky to use) and focused on healing potions or other stat boosting potions.

I rented a Wii game I have been wanting to try out for a while now the other day that I will likely check out tonight. Its called Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon. The jist I have gotten from most reveiws is that it oozes atmospere and the presentations is sharp. The word "art game" was mentioned more than once. But was knocked for its overly simplistic gameplay mechanics and limited depth. I will let ya'll know what I think once I give it a spin.

And yes, you should have seen it coming. Borderlands. Or to be exact Borderlands 1.5 /Borderlands 2 prequel for the 360 &PS3. Confused? So is everyone esle. Rumor is 2K Australia is working on a Borderlands game that takes place between 1&2. And the angle is it will take place on the moon the Hyperion Moonbase hovers above. Game will feature low gravity effects, new elemental weapons like cryo guns(think freeze beams like Mr Freeze) and lasers. Oxygen will be a lootable resource much like ammo. Probably the most intriging part is you will get to play as one of four goons working for Handsom Jack. The cyborg Wilhelm who is a boss in Borderlands 2, The cyber ninja from the General Knox dlc from Borderlands 1, Fragtrap which aparently a military grade claptrap unit, and a mysterious "Lawdealer" class who some think may be the Sheriff of Lynchwood aka Handsom Jacks girlfriend. I honestly have my doubts about this being legit at this point. Gearbox loves to play with our heads and last interveiw with Pitchford, he said any Borderlands sequel would be next gen and they are not in a hurry to do it, other irons in the fire and such. Just have to wait and see.

I went and saw the new Cap'n M'erca movie yesterday. I give it a B+ mostly just cause it was a bit longer that it had to be. Otherwise great cast, great action sequences, and plenty of Marvel fan service if you keep your eyes and ears sharp. Really excited to see how Guardians of the Galaxy is going to tie into the complex web Marvel is weaving.

So thats what I have been living and playing as of late. As always thanks for reading. And remember, videos games don't kill people, ninjas do.Tongue Out

Disclaimer(I could not resist the Bob Dylan reference for the title. I don't want anyone to have to piss



Super Step Contributing Writer

04/07/2014 at 11:14 PM

Dude, I am so sorry. Having to pass a kidney stone is seriously one of my greatest fears, trailing only claustrophobia and dying alone. At least you got some Netflix and gaming in, but I'm sorry you were too hurt to enjoy it as much as you wanted. 

I'm gonna see the new 'Cap flick this week or weekend. It's the first movie this year I'm really excited to see. I was going to see it this past weekend, but something way more awesome came up and I had Springsteen crowd-surfing next to me free of charge. 


04/07/2014 at 11:42 PM

Thanks Joe, I really appretiate the thought. Well, even though it went on for about  7 days. I only really hurt bad for a few hours two of the seven days. But yeah, wouldn't wish it on  The long term pain will hit when I get the bill.Yell

I would have chose the free concert too. Springsteen crowd surfing?! Man, those oldschool rockers just never run out of juice.



04/07/2014 at 11:48 PM

Oh, and just drink plenty of water and you got nothing to worry about. If you got a history of kidnestones in your family then you deffinatletly want to drink plenty of water. I'm really bad about not drinking enough water and it runs in my family so thats why they got me.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/08/2014 at 01:25 AM

Yeah, I drink plenty of water for both training purposes and out of deaadly fear of passing a stone. lol 

Oh, that bill. That bill would make me pass a kidney stone out of anger I bet. I hope it's not as bad as you think, but I'm sure it won't be a "gift." Jonas Salk has been dead a long time, they don't hand stuff out for free these days. lol 

And yeah, Springsteen looked like he had some old man strength when he was up there, for sure. 


04/08/2014 at 02:02 AM

Luckily I had health insurance but that only covers so much. I Figure I'm 1,500 in the hole vs 6,000 had I not had the insurance. But thats life.Money Mouth

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/08/2014 at 02:04 PM

That's not bad. I've only ever had to deal with student loans though, so I'm not sure what the interest rate or due dates are like for you. I got in IBR when I graduated and only had $30,000 to pay down. I think by now it's approaching $40,000 and unsubsidized, so I really need to start paying down again, but I want to make my L.A. trip payments first so I know I have enough for that and a rainy day fund. 

Find some place to wait tables where the tips are good and you could be good to go shortly, if you want to supplement your normal income. I averaged about $50/night on weekends at the Outback I worked at, but in nicer areas, I've heard crazy things like $100/night on weekdays. 


04/08/2014 at 07:51 PM

Well I'm technically not in the red, but this pretty much much whiped out my savings, which was kind of for situations just like this anyway. Emergency money. I never know when I might have to run from a hurricane, or miss work because of a hurricane. This way I will have a little to get me by for a month or two if neccessary. It just sucks saving over all those months to have it disappear in a matter of days.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/08/2014 at 10:19 PM

That sucks.

Remy LeBeau

04/07/2014 at 11:56 PM

Kidney Stones are a complete and utter Yell! I know firsthand the torment and agony due to a past addiction to Moutain Dew. I wish you luck, good sir!


04/08/2014 at 12:06 AM

lol, thanks. I blame mine on a couple years of drinking two 20 ounce Monsters everyday back in college. That is some evil stuff there.


04/08/2014 at 01:10 AM

I remember hearing about Fragile Dreams a while back. It takes as its inspiration this type of photography called Haikyo, meaning ruins in Japanese. Apparently there are these whole cities in Japan that lie in ruins and people go there and photograph. It's called Urban Exploration in English. Kinda cool. There's even a website about it. I put the game on my wishlist for sure.

I'm excited to see Guardians of the Galaxy too.


04/08/2014 at 01:56 AM

Cool, thanks for the link. My best freind, and my brother and myself used to kind of do this when we were teenagers. But we had more wilderness than "ruins" so we explored what we could like gullies and shallow caves in the Texas hill country. Thats what I like about these kinds of games.Its all about atmospere and exploration.

Yes indeed! August 1st can't get here soon enough, and I dread Too damn hot here that time of year.


04/08/2014 at 02:57 PM

Same here. I was surrounded by parks, so that's where I took photos.


04/08/2014 at 03:01 AM

I passed a stone late in 2013. That shit is no joke...feels like being repeatedly stabbed.


04/08/2014 at 09:17 AM

Thank god for pain killers. Can't even imagine how  people dealt with these before the age of morphine.


04/08/2014 at 10:47 AM

i have a co-worker who told me he passed one at work, and just had to go to the bathroom and sit for a while.

Buuull-shit, I say.


04/08/2014 at 12:08 PM

I concur! LOL

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/08/2014 at 06:08 AM

kaijits rule!  I like the lizard men better though. 


04/08/2014 at 09:23 AM

Argonion (I think thats what they are called) was my second choice. Breathing underwater sounded like a cool perk for sure. But I made a helmet that lets me do that, now I just need that healing ability. I always end up making ninja type chraracters in games like this.


04/08/2014 at 08:21 AM

I've gone through the kidney stone thing 3 times so I know what that's all about. So without a word of a lie I feel your pain

Fragile Dreams is pretty unique. I have played an hour or two and enjoyed it. Thanks for reminding me I need to get back to it. 


04/08/2014 at 09:34 AM

Well hopefully you won't have to suffer a fourth one. This was my second. And hopefully the last one.

I think I first saw this game on Amazon, I almost forgot it was in my Gamefly Q until I got it the other day.I look forward to checking it out.


04/08/2014 at 10:23 AM

Haven't experience another one in well over 10 years so I'm hoping I'm done. Neither the stones or the subsequent withdrawal from narcotics was any fun. 


04/08/2014 at 12:07 PM

Yeah, those pain killers are no joke and they prescribed me some pretty heavy duty stuff. Had me feeling out of sorts for at least a week after I stoped taking them.


04/08/2014 at 09:02 AM

I use to see that Fragile Dreams games all the time.  I thought about getting it a couple times.  


04/08/2014 at 09:39 AM

It sounds like one of those all or nothing games. You will either like it or not. I plan to do a mini reveiw once I get some time in on it.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/08/2014 at 04:04 PM

"Which means another disjointed spastic blog that I will badly edit and shamelesly post anyway cause I'm lazy."

 Wait, that's not how we're supposed to blog? Man, I've been failing this shit for years then.


04/08/2014 at 04:33 PM

LOL! I guess I have been doing it right after all.


04/09/2014 at 08:00 AM

I've been severely tempted to jump back into Skyrim lately to see how my mage is getting on. I've about 70 hrs in but much like you say feel as though i've barely scratched the surface. Once I finish up this new Tomb Raider I might throw it on for a while and see if I catch the bug again


04/09/2014 at 09:18 AM

The strat guide is the size of a phone book, so I should have realized what I was getting myself into. To say Skyrim is massive is an understatement. But its pretty easy to jump back in without feeling too lost.

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