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I'm bad at BaD

On 02/03/2015 at 01:35 AM by GeminiMan78

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Seriously, this will likely be my only blog all Actually I will make an effort to join in this tradition although my anagram may read out more like BeBM (blog every blue moon).

So joking aside just want to drop some thoughts on a bit of game news. So at Pax Randy Pitchford in a round about way confirmed Borderlands 3 is happening. This was announced via a recruitement drive. Then a week later Borderlands lead writer Anthony Birch announces he is leaving Gearbox to write for a series on Hulu. The guy is no shakespere but he did bring a unique off kilter sense of humor that gave Borderlands an almost Monty Python silliness. Now before anyone loses their shit I did not mean to imply that he is on par with Monty Python, just likely inspired by. So I 'm hoping all the new folks are filling the ranks and not filling the void left by vets who bailed or got fired. Who knows?

Well after about a week I caved and started playing Destiny again. And the worst part is I'm enjoying it. Well, truth is its still grindy as hell but I have been trying my hand at the harder raids and I have to say the all or nothing Nightfalls can be a blast when you pull one off. 


So thats it. Gotta save some for next time if i'm gonna make this work. Thanks for reading...



Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/03/2015 at 06:18 AM

hey it's the thought that counts.  My next blog is about advice for more blogging productivity.  

I never got into Borderlands.  I'm just kind of burnt on shooters, honestly.  Same thing with Destiny.  someday I'll get back into them, but not soon. 


02/03/2015 at 09:00 AM

The idea is that if I try BaD I will get better about writing on a regular all the time. Its a start.

I was never that much of FPS guy, but the bulk of games on PS3 are shooters so I kinda got pulled into it. But Borderlands really does stand out from the crowd with its emphasis on exploration and randomly generated loot. The cell shaded grahpic and ridiculous humor just add to the appeal. When your FPS fatigue passes this is he series to get back into it with for sure.  As for Destiny, keep your distance, this game has evil ju ju crack like addictve qualities. i still can't fgure out why I keep going back  to


02/03/2015 at 08:28 AM

Just making the effort is enough. I played the first Borderlands for a bit and the Destiny beta. They just don't hold my interest. I wanted to like Borderlands because of the cartoony silliness but it just kept frustrating me. Destiny just felt like a bunch of other games and I never had the feeling I was playing a story.


02/03/2015 at 09:13 AM

Your right, it the effort that counts so I will try and stay on it.  

The thing about Borderlands, especially the first one, is you gotta lv grind like your playing an jrpg. The first tough early game boss Nine Toes frustrated the heck out of me until I realised I just needed to get a lv or so above him and get a good sniper rifle to take out his fast charging shield. Once you hit lv 9-10 things level off a bit. 

 Yeah, the story is pretty much none existant unless you want to go to the Destiny website and spend hours read Grimorie cards because Bungy could not be bothered to work all that lore into the game. As I mentioned to Matt, I can't figure out what kind of black magic keeps me playing it.



02/03/2015 at 10:36 AM

I'm pretty excited for Borderlands 3, I've loved the first 2 and I'm gonna be buying the handsome collection so I can finally play the presequel one. I figure 3 won't even be officially announced with a trailer until probably after battleborn.

I'm gonna try to keep up with BaD this year but I'm the same as you. It might not work very well,lol!


02/03/2015 at 03:49 PM

When or if I get a PS4 I will have to get the Handsom edition as well. It really is their flagship series and the gist I got from an earlier interveiw was that they wanted Borderlands 3 to up the annie the way BL2 did with BL1. We are talking a massive, huge, and incredibly deep game that will look amazing. Not to mention the size of enemy mobs they could make with power of the PS4.

 I actually drummed up some topics for BaD. They will be short much like this one

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/03/2015 at 11:28 AM

BeBM ... hmmm ... might have to join that. lol


02/03/2015 at 03:56 PM

Man you almost do BaD all the time. BeBM is just not your I know you probably don't post something every day, but you almost always got something your droppin knowledg on. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/03/2015 at 04:36 PM

Right. "Knowledge."


02/04/2015 at 03:28 AM

Too bad Anthony Birch is leaving. The writing throughout the Borderlands games are really creative and funny. Even the names for all the weapons are funny and interesting.


02/04/2015 at 08:14 AM

The comedy and weirdnedd is really what maked Borderlands what it is. I hope it can retain this without him.


02/04/2015 at 05:55 PM

Nothing wrong with playing a game you enjoy. Gaming is supposed to be fun, and feeling guilty for playing one game over another is kinda silly, in my opinion. If playing Destiny makes you happy, why stop?


02/04/2015 at 09:10 PM

I know its kind of silly. I just have a kind of love hate thing going with this game. The fact that I can not pin point why I like it despite all it short comings drives me crazy. Maybe I am over thinking


02/05/2015 at 12:16 AM

Stop analyzing and just play, lol.

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