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Catherine Hauser's Comments - Page 4

BaD: Friday Feels

Posted on 02/23/2017 at 09:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I love it. I like writing with pen and paper. There's a different sense of fluidity knowing you can't really go back and add/delete/correct like you can on a computer. You have to trust in your abilities to get your point across. It almost makes me feel more confident.

I've found over the years, though, that my handwriting is getting worse. I really think it's from lack of practice, since most of what we do in life is typed now. I've made an effort to do more handwriting, just to keep my muscle memory.

BaD: Oh it's Tuesday...wait, DLC for Zelda??

Posted on 02/23/2017 at 09:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

When I was heavily into Call of Duty: Ghosts, we would live for the map pack expansions. I was completely terrible at that game. Pretty sure my friends only let me in their clan because they had too, lol.

BaD 2017.16: that college life.

Posted on 02/23/2017 at 09:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Hey, it is what it is and I've learned to get over it all at this point. I did end up going back to school with my current job because I needed some more credits for my position. I took online courses while I worked. It was fast paced and the work load was heavy, but it was easy enough and I got it done quickly. It was very expensive, though; I'm really lucky I did not have to pay for it.

College is funny because when you do have a good professor, things are great. But when you have a bad All you can think is how you're paying all that money to learn nothing! High school doesn't prepare you for that reality.

I'm so glad to hear you are going for that job. We are all cheering for you!

BaD: I Want it Now - Switch

Posted on 02/22/2017 at 09:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

First of all, I love Lemmings. I played that game on DOS endlessly because it was a-mazing. That would be a sweet cosplay.

I did not get all five of the amiibos for Zelda, as I skipped the bobokin. I'm sure I'll end up getting it anyway just because.

BaD 2017.16: that college life.

Posted on 02/22/2017 at 10:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I completely agree with KnightDriver here. I should have worked first and figured out what I wanted to do before going to school. I wanted to be so many different things: a musician in a symphony, a gaming magazine writer, a translator, a web developer. I finally settled on web developer because my mother thought I would make a lot of money. I went to an expensive college because she thought it would help me even more. Well, the web developer program was completely new back then, so I only learned bits and pieces of what I really needed to know. By the time I was in my senior year, I knew I was screwed but what could I do about it? Nothing at that point. I just graduated, and then could not find a job to save my life.

I did end up with a minor in Japanese language. I should have majored in that and went into game localization. Instead, I have a useless degree that I do not ever use and I ended up in a career that is polar opposite. working for a nonprofit where I make not what a web designer makes. Let me tell you how mad that made my mother.

And I'm STILL paying on my loans, to top it all off. Sigh.

As for the experience, I lived in a dorm my freshman year. I had a terrible roommate and I spent most of my weekends at home. Sophmore year was much the same. By Junior year I simply moved back home because it was cheaper to commute. I guess I came out of that experience learning that you do not really know people until you live with them. But I paid A LOT of money to learn that lesson.

So to end my comment rant: listen to everyone here who is telling you not to sell yourself short just because you think you don't have the smarts. You have them, you just didn't pay tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper that says you do.

BaD: I Want it Now - Switch

Posted on 02/22/2017 at 09:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I considered doing that same thing, but decided against it in the end. It just wasn't worth it, and there are still games on the old systems I want to play again.

BaD: I Want it Now - Switch

Posted on 02/22/2017 at 09:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree with you about open worlds. There is only so much you can look at before that loses its novelty. I'm still playing FFXV just because, and I find myself doing what I need to do then warping back to the car. Not like in Assassins' Creed Syndicate, where at least you could use the rope to glide yourself around for fun, or Far Cry 4 where you could hunt with more purpose. The last release of Star Ocean for PS4 was the worst by far. They tried to incorporate the concept much like in FFXII, but they had no world map, no capability to warp and no fun mode of transportation. If you wanted to get from point A to point F all the way on the other side of the world, you had to walk, and you had to remember what route to take to get there. I never finished that game.

I am so in your corner to cheer on your weight loss goal. I am only cosplaying this year because I have done well in my own respect. I will still be completely nervous, but I think I've earned a shot. Agent 47 would be awesome! But also, you are a prime candidate for Rude from Final Fantasy VII! The Turks were the best, after all.

BaD: I Want it Now - Switch

Posted on 02/22/2017 at 09:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

You made the right decision, even if the right decision sucks. If I could make money writing, I'd go for it.

BaD: I Want it Now - Switch

Posted on 02/22/2017 at 09:31 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I have a Wii U, but I'm a Nintendo girl. I buy all their systems no matter what. I would have gotten the Switch regardless of Zelda, but it does REALLY help!

I'm good with PS4 until the FFXII remake comes out in the summer. Man...I better preorder that.

BaD: I Want it Now - Switch

Posted on 02/22/2017 at 09:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Too much adulting for you!! I saved a PTO day specifically for March 3. I will at least get a three day weekend. I'm hoping my store does a midnight opening so I can get in even more playtime. I completely agree with you that 1 2 Switch should have come with the console, but to be honest I'm so excited about Zelda I won't even care.

I've cosplayed lots of different things over the years. This year I am doing Ignis from FFXV and I'll probably wear our Jacob from Assassins' Creed Syndicate again. My Ignis outfit is coming along nicely, I'm so excited. Benefits of being married to an artist is that I can buy materials that can be made into outfits instead of buying premade things. Saves me some money and looks better in the long run!

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