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Nate Hascup's Comments - Page 4

Naming Nintendo's Next Home Console

Posted on 04/16/2011 at 05:35 PM | Filed Under Feature

Massive Wii just makes it sound like someone high up at Nintendo is compensating way too much for something. :)

New Nintendo Console Announcement at E3?

Posted on 04/16/2011 at 07:50 AM | Filed Under News

I'm gonna call BS to most of the crap floating around the internet coming from so called 'anonymous sources'. A number of the links to references on some of these articles are just circling around each other and the initial breakouts coming from 'reputable news outlets' (read: big sites that do tend to get these sorts of juicy tidbits) are obviously embellishing to much the weight of the anonymous industry folks.

Also the number of separate reports varying wildly on concepts, features and spec estimations make me doubt these possibilities even more. Really I'm only going to take one thing rumored this last week as more than a grain of salt to season my dreams: Nintendo will reveal something of substance regarding their next console. It may be just the name. Perhaps just how the system itself looks like or a full blown reveal including games and demos. But all this talk strikes me as merely a few fanboy wet dreams catching fire in the flurry or pre-E3 excitement. Combine that with us media folk eager to get the jump on the word and we get pure prediction pandemonium.

Newest Sonic Game Teaser Trailer

Posted on 04/09/2011 at 05:08 PM | Filed Under Feature

The problem is Sonic was designed with Blast Processing in mind. Without that all we'll get are terrible games.

Super Monkey Ball 3D Review

Posted on 03/31/2011 at 04:04 AM | Filed Under Review

Kinda sad that the best versions of Monkey Ball (1 & 2) are still better than any released since. I'd pay to get an update to Monkey Ball 2.

Pokemon Wii and 3DS Games are Underway, New Pokemon DS Title Announced

Posted on 03/28/2011 at 07:06 PM | Filed Under News

I recall hearing last month that there are no plans for a 3rd version to this generation of Pokemon games. I would guess that they are just moving straight to a new 3DS generation. At the very least the possibility for new move animations in 3D would be cool.


Here's where they say no 'Grey' version translated from Spanish:

"Historically, each generation games have added a third cartridge that certain developments, if Yellow / Crystal / Emerald / Platinum. Then asked a hypothetical issue "Gray" and if he would appear in 3DS. Ibe has been against the idea, saying "Not at all. We finished this comes with Black and White version." To honor its words, is this the only generation of this series without further editing."


3DS Launch Observations

Posted on 03/28/2011 at 06:10 PM | Filed Under Feature

That Wal-Mart sounds like it just had poor employees. Mine had games out for sale days before the system and was all prepped for the midnight launch.

Slide Pad Love: Why It’s a Big Deal

Posted on 03/20/2011 at 06:14 PM | Filed Under Feature

Wasn't the 'thumb pad' just a wrist strap with a plastic tip that you could strap around your hand? My friend had one and I hated it. I ended up buying these cheap plastic 'thumb claws' to try and use the touch screen for games but it was uncomfortable.

Slide Pad Love: Why It’s a Big Deal

Posted on 03/18/2011 at 05:13 PM | Filed Under Feature

Reports are that the game improves greatly with the slider pad. I might pick the game up around launch time as I passed over it before due to the D-pad controls.

LittleBigPlanet 2 Review

Posted on 03/17/2011 at 08:30 AM | Filed Under Review

I've not played either Little Big Planet title, but the StarCraft map editor is also a diverse tool for user generated levels and I've seen some very impressive content on there. Some of the dungeon crawling RPGs and Tower Defense maps are superior to professional retail releases in my opinion. I play more of those than regular games of StarCraft.

Do you guys think there is a similar limitation there or do you think Blizzard pulled it off better because they don't try to make the editor be 'everything' at once? They don't try to make it possible to build, say, a platformer.

Would LBP benefit from a pruning and refinement of the toolset to specific genres?

Episode 24, Side B: Xbox Live Has Some Disease I Can't Mention For Fear of Being Banned!

Posted on 03/17/2011 at 01:36 AM | Filed Under Feature

I think we should each pick a Team America character as our 'Podcast Avatars' and stick them in future banner images for the 'cast.

And I did speak with some Mormon co-workers and they did confirm all that tabernacle stuff. One Tabernacle, then various regional offices are known as Temples and then the regular buildings you find in most every city is a Church.

They also thought it was hilarious we were debating this on a gaming 'cast.

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