This is incredibly exciting. A great, untapped time frame to set this game - here's to hoping it's true.
CONFIRMED - Assassin's Creed III to Take Place During Revolutionary War?
A Best Buy employee has provided Kotaku with an image from an employee newsletter that reveals details on the upcoming sequel.

UPDATE 2 - Ubisoft has confirmed the Revolutionary War setting by revealing the game's official box art (click through to see it!)
UPDATE - Game Informer has put up and subsequently taken down a banner that depicts the same setting for the game. NeoGAF poster, Lyle Lanley, has captured the image for your viewing pleasure.
What appears to be leaked promotional art is pointing to the possibility that Assassin's Creed III will take a bold departure from the established European and Middle Eastern settings, to America during the Revolutionary War. The star of the game, depicted in said promo art, is seen with a tomahawk and old-fashioned pistol in either hand, backed by the original Continental flag. It's unclear from the image, but he is potentially of Native American descent, given both his garb and jewellery.
The snowy rock which he stands upon matches the snowy setting Ubisoft revealed on the Assassin's Creed facebook page. According to the page, more information is due to be revealed today. Past rumors have indicated that Assassin's Creed III could be set in Colonial America, which lends further credence to this potentially leaked art.
Whatever the case may be, players will be diving into Desmond's latest adventure later this year on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC.