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On 04/14/2013 at 02:13 PM by Coolsetzer

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Hi Pixlbitians. I hope all of your weekends are going good. =) Just wanted to drop in and say hello, even though I don't have too much to say this week. I see my que of back blogs to read has gotten in the double digits, and I apologize for that. You guys have some really good stuff to read. I promise to get to reading all of them, even though I have to take my time. I had planned to catch up on all of them on the weekend like normal, but then SOMEONE had to post a Felicia Day video and I got really sidetracked. =P

On the game side of things, I bought the Mass Effect Trilogy and started on the first game. Wanted to see what all the fuss was about. After about a dozen hours, I find the game alright, but not one of the best. I'm trying to play the Paragon role with some modified default settings. Anyway, there's a couple things that irritate me about it. The vehicle segments are awful. I only died twice in the game, and it was during the times that the game made me drive. The other one is when I try to fast forward the conversations with the Square button, it will sometimes automatically choose dialog options for me. I reset the game a couple times because of that nonsense. Someone please tell me that the games get better so I'm not wasting my time. =P

As far as other things going on in my life, I deactivated Facebook for awhile. Want to say sorry to the 1up group for that. I think I'll get back on there eventually. It's just that I was talking to a girl on there. We had met through my cousin, and things were going good for awhile. I even drove 4 hours to meet her for Valentine's Day, and we had a good time. But the other day, she messaged me out of the blue and told me that she hasn't been talking to me lately because she hooked up with some other guy. She still wanted to be "friends", but I just can't deal with that. I wish her the best, it's just that I can't be stuck in the friend zone again with a girl that I liked. The last time that happened, I fell in love with someone and got my heart broken. Furthermore, why is it that every time things start to go well, a girl finds some other dude that she likes better? I just don't get it.

Anyway, looking forward to Game of Thrones again tonight. Anyone else enjoying that show? 'Til next time, have a good one.




04/14/2013 at 02:53 PM

Mass 1 is kind of quirky like that. I found the best thing to do is save before you do anything, it will save you some frustration. DO NOT TRUST THE AUTOSAVE. Also it is totally worth putting you skill points toward your charm & intimidate stats over some of the other stuff first. But it really is a good game although it does have some issues.  Mass 2 makes some huge improvements in just about everything and is probably my favorite of the 3. The classes are more well rounded, weapons and armor are way easier to manage. And combat is much tighter. I like them enough to play through the whole trilogy one right after theothe over the period of 2 months. Looking foward to playing again with a different class and try some different plot choices.

I think I would really enjoy GOT, but it has yet to appear on my Netflix, I don't have cable.


04/14/2013 at 03:28 PM

I'm enjoying the game so far. Yeah, I'm making sure to keep my Charm maxxed out. I learned my lesson on that with Dragon Age Origins. I lost over an hours worth of progress on ME the other day due to not saving before the vehicle segmentas well. I just don't get why there are so many dang elevators. It gets annoying. Also, I don't think you can get GoT on Netflix. I think that HBO won't release the rights. They have a deal on Comcast Xfinity to feature it, so the only other way is to just buy the DVD's/ Blu Ray. That's probably the show is so pirated. heh


04/14/2013 at 03:51 PM
Elevator = its a loading screen, lol. Mass 2 made it so that you have a lot of places to tune up your gear for you and your squad, so its not as much an issue. Mass 3 went back a step with you having to take a trip to the cargo bay again (sigh).

Anyway thats a bummer about Game of Thrones, its still a long shot but I'll have to check the Redbox for them.


04/14/2013 at 05:34 PM

I have only played through the ME 1 and ME 2. The combat in the first one seemed really stiff to me and it took me along time to actually get interested and invested in the game. The autosave system in the game sucks, I lost hours because of it so I feel your pain. The second game is a lot better. Combat is more fluid and enjoyable. And from what I remember they got rid of the vehicle segments as well. 

I have the first season of Game of Thrones and I just haven't gotten to it yet. From what I have heard, its really good.


04/14/2013 at 06:50 PM

Season 1 of GoT was really great. The second one was good, but lacked the tight narrative of the first. It's definitely a good show.


04/14/2013 at 07:27 PM

Excellent, after being disappointed in the most recent season of Walking Dead. I am looking for a show with a strong narrative. I didn't mind the first two seasons of the walking dead. But the strong narrative structure and character development was lacking in the third season.


04/14/2013 at 07:50 PM

Mr. Setzer, I'd be the last person to give anyone advice on women. It took me well over 20 "relationships" before I met my wife some of which I freely admit I fucked up. Trust me I don't get it either but I'm not sure we're meant to. LOL


04/14/2013 at 09:24 PM

It's alright. Even though I really liked that one, I didn't feel that we were a really good match, anyway. I don't have the heart to be mean when she was honest with me. It's just that I'm tired of FB. Nobody even talked to me on there anymore except for her. I guess it hurt a little more than I thought. At least I'm not up to 20 women yet. lol


04/14/2013 at 11:04 PM

Luckily the vehicle section are absent from ME 2. Matter of fact, I enjoyed ME 2 a lot more though RPG purist will argue it was streamlined and stripped down in a lot of ways. (They are right but for me the better combat and better narrative between characters really rubbed off favorably onto me!)

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/15/2013 at 12:09 AM

I forgot I had a Facebook account for the 1up group. Guess I'll check that thing. lol

I've missed commenting a couple blogs here too, but sometimes, I just have nothing much to say. If I see a blog that's really well-written with zero comments, I usually try to comment to at least let someone know I appreciated it, but when there's a blog with a bunch of stuff I can't really touch on that has comments already, I just feel it's best left alone by me, really.

But I can relate to your when things go well, they break off. That happened in my first relationship last year; and just in general, what the fuck is up with the ones you want usually not wanting you, and vice versa? Frustrating. It'll all work out though. I gotta focus on getting a steady job, anyway.


04/15/2013 at 12:10 PM

I've spent so much time at work the past week and a half, I missed a lot of blogs and am doing my catch up today. As far as ME goes, as our friends across the pond might say, Keep Calm and Carry On. Smile


05/08/2013 at 05:38 PM

I didn't like the vehicle segments in Mass Effect 1 either. They were pretty tough I remember. Mass Effect 1 is the only ME game that I didn't complete, but I plan to. ME 2 and 3 are much improved and ME 2 is one the best games this gen IMO.

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