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The Not so Nice Update and Stuff

On 06/22/2014 at 08:13 PM by Vice's Assistant

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Hello. Its been awhile and I'm sorry I've been a bit sporadic with my presence here on PB. I just haven't been much of a good mood for awhile and yeah its been draining me of pretty much me giving a care about many things lately. I guess it stems from how my job is pretty treating me horribly, like extremely horribly. To make a long story short, after coming back from my vacation, I got thrown into a department I usually don't work (as well as hate working, fact that even my boss knows) and work it two nights in a row. So then on the end of the second day/morning (fuck, working 3rd Shift really confuses on time), the guy that usually comes in on first shift comes at me an basically said that I did a horrible job and basically I should quit. On top of that, after I left because I was so fucking mad at the dude, he apparently when around and joked about how he basically made me quit. I've gone through some shitty managers and done many shitty things at my deparment store job, but that somehow just makes me feel really shitty. Not helped by the fact that my boss continually puts me in that same department at least 2 times since that incident including tonight. Fuck.

I'm not sure what to do. I mean I know what I want to do, quit but...I remember when I just came out of college and it took me 5 months just to find a job, the crappy night shift job I'm stuck at. Do I want to just subject myself to that again? Plus, I have insurance through them. I don't want to waste my life there, nor my degree but I'm afraid that I've already waited to long and no one would hire me. Recently, I though about going back to college to get a MBA but that would only add to my debt. I'm sorry that I keep being really moopy on here but right now I could really use some sage advice. Like some good one that will motivate the fuck out of me.

Let's talk about something good right now...uh...fuck I don't know what I'm doing good... I guess my tumblr? That's been kind of fun. It keeps me writing and I'm doing stuff I've always wanted to do. Ooh, before I forget I wanted to say thanks to Alex, Capt. N, and State Alcalmest for the follows on there too. Sorry I been meaning to say that as well.

Other than that I haven't been gaming that much. Just not feeling it. Even games that I can tell are good haven't been really entertaining like Mario Kart 8. Then again I haven't been going online and beasting like I've seen from Capt. N. awkwardly as a set up as this is...anyone want to play some MK8?

I've rambled on for awhile so I'll be on my way. Thanks for listening/ reading. I guess I just needed to get this off of my chest because after writing this, I do feel a little bit better.




06/22/2014 at 08:49 PM

Getting into the right job can be a crapshoot. I worked in clothing retail until I was 30. Complete waste of my life. It suddenly dawned on me that I was only doing it for money to do things that made me forget about my job for that small portion of the week known as the weekend.

That and having short and meaningless relationships with ladies who worked with me. LOL

Without getting into my misspent younger years I went back to school and got into IT. 

I just wish I'd done it earlier.

Cary Woodham

06/22/2014 at 09:42 PM

Yeah that's the bad thing about college.  They make it sound like the possibilities are endless when you are in it, but when you get out in the real world it's totally different.  I'm not doing what i want to do either, but I guess not everyone gets their dream job either.  Dreams don't always come true, I guess.  College was a waste of time for me.

But if it'll make you feel any better, I'll certainly play Mario Kart 8 with you.  Just let me know what times work best for you!  Also, just posted a new blog as well.

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/22/2014 at 11:16 PM

I was in a similarly shitty position last year, applied for an MBA, MFA, and finally wound up in the Mass Communications Master's program I'm in now. Yeah, I'll be in more debt, but a Master's is now what a Bachelor's was when people told you a Bachelor's would get you a good job. It's still true depending on what you studied, but way too many people have Bachelor's now for it to be the huge draw for employers it used to be.

Anyway, my problem was a bit different in that I loved my out-of-school job, but just got way too few hours at said job. Now, I have a graduate assistantship I dig, I have the option to go on to get my doctorate with a thesis or do a Media Project and graduate with my Master's a more creative way, I've been able to take a trip to Los Angeles and make tons of connections in my field down there cause of a class I took, etc. 

If you make decent money, I'd try to find another job first, since people hire you more easily if you're already working and then you can think about an MBA, which is one of the most realistically valuable degrees there is in the real world.


06/23/2014 at 12:27 AM

Your situation sounds very familiar to me. I got a degree but haven't done anything with it. I'm in a job well beneath me and sometimes the people are incredibly difficult to work with. I used to quit and then get the same job somewhere else, but after a few times of that, I made myself stay and work things out, just to keep my finances stable. Well, I've been stuck at this menial thing for a long while now and I'm desperate to do something new. I feel, similar to you, that I've waited too long, but I know that's not the right attitude. I think every day about how to motivate myself and put the time into something I really want to do and just do it. I've been working on improving my health at the moment, but I really need a career I can be proud of. I'm working on a mental discipline to get the wheels turning because I can't wait forever. 

I've been thinking a lot about these things I read about in Michio Kaku's recent book Future of the Mind. Sucess comes from three things: Focus, Cooperation (also mentioned as Emotion Management or, as I like to think about it, Social Skills), and Delayed Gratification (or as I like to think of it, Planning. You know, making a plan and then sticking to it unitl it pays off down the road).

Anyway, that's me on this subject. Hope it helps some.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/23/2014 at 09:31 AM

hey I hope things pick up for you.  Maybe you can look for a new job while you continue to suffer through this one?  I would suggest going back to school.  IT's always nice, and if you decide beforehand what you want to do, it could be really great.  I wouldn't worry about debt so much, it's american as apple pie now. 

ANyway, I hope things get better, sounds like stuff has been really rough.  Maybe a change, any sort of change would help. 


06/25/2014 at 08:13 PM

I know how you feel.  I haven't been gaming as much this past year, a lot of things in life haven't been going well for me at all--and I really know what it's like to need insurance and not have it.

And plus, I know what it's like to be absent from here for a while.  My last blog post was from November, and logging on just a few minutes ago my inbox had 365 messages in it.  So trust me, you're not alone on (m)any of those points.


06/26/2014 at 06:21 AM

No problem with the Tumblr follow. Hopefully you don't mind the side I don't show too much on Pixlbit :P

On a serious note, I can't really say much about your situation since i'll start college next year and haven't encountered the distresses of adult life yet. I can only hope that you can get out of the situation and also find a job you like.


07/03/2014 at 02:12 PM

That sucks man, I really hope things start looking up for you.

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