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Kathrine Theidy's Comments - Page 6

Final Fantasy X HD a Remaster, Not a Remake

Posted on 02/07/2012 at 07:20 PM | Filed Under News

It would be a remake if they made the assets from the ground up. All they did was take the existing textures and video and convert them to HD resolutions. That's the main difference between a "remake" and a "remaster" or "enhanced port," with this game being the later.

Content doesn't really factor into what is a remake and what is an enhamced port, but it does mean that people tend to use these labels incorrectly.

The Simpsons Arcade Game and Final Fantasy V will be Free to PS Plus Subscribers

Posted on 02/05/2012 at 04:38 PM | Filed Under News

The PlayStation version of Final Fantasy V also has sound issues. But I guess it's hard to complain about a free game, especially if you don't have a handheld that could play the superior GBA version.

Video Footage From Unreleased Gameboy Color Port of Resident Evil

Posted on 02/05/2012 at 04:31 PM | Filed Under Feature

I would have to agree with Matt. The game looks techically impressive, but Resident Evil was already a game with control and perspective issues, and forcing it onto much more limited hardware would result in a near unplayable game.

Nintendo Responsible for Box Art Blunder

Posted on 02/03/2012 at 07:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hee hee, sorry, I wasn't trying to trick anyone, just trying to post something funny. It's funny how believable this ended up sounding, I thought the part about downloading a  patch for a 3DS case would be ridiculous enough to show that this is satire, but I guess it's easy to overlook what's being said there given the context.

We all know how everyone likes to spin things to somehow blame Nintendo, so I wanted to poke at that a little.

Sony Hemorrhaging Money in 2011

Posted on 02/03/2012 at 06:48 PM | Filed Under News

Personally, I see this as Sony getting what's coming to them. Their products have always been shody and undeserving of success.

UPDATE: Atlus Asks Fans if They Want Another Run of Radiant Historia

Posted on 02/03/2012 at 06:42 PM | Filed Under News

Why would fans want another print run? Fans already bought the game.

With all the high praise I've heard about the game, I'd probably pick up a copy were another run to happen. I'm no fan of handhelds so I'm not willing to pay much for a DS game, so a high price is certainly out of the question. I don't think a second print run would be large enough to devalue the game once the second run is sold out; there will still likely be more people who want it than copies available.

Catherine Review

Posted on 01/08/2012 at 08:08 PM | Filed Under Review

The gameplay of this game seems unbefitting of its premise and story.

Nintendo Press Conference To Be Streamed Tonight

Posted on 12/31/2011 at 07:38 PM | Filed Under News

To be clear, Fire Emblem will be the first Nintendo-published title with paid DLC. A few other games, such as Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Animal Crossing City Folk, technically have DLC, but it's available for free.

Myst 3D Coming to 3DS

Posted on 12/31/2011 at 07:27 PM | Filed Under News

Does anyone still care about Myst? It was cool in the 90's, but now it just seems quaint. There are plenty of better games in the genre nowadays.

Fortune Street Review

Posted on 12/26/2011 at 04:02 PM | Filed Under Review

I wouldn't disagree that Nintendo should have released more games this year (and definitely could have easily had one more with XenoBlade), but "next to nothing has come out" is not a true statement when talking about general releases. "Next to nothing has come out that interests me" is a fair statement. It's possible I'm just arguing semantics ("write your opinion as if it were fact"), but that's the point I'm trying to get across: generalizations are never fair.

We can disagree on that point, though. Even if I don't always agree with you, I respect that you express yourself with civility, which can sometimes be a rarity on the Internet. And you run a fine website, so really, I'm just nitpicking things unimportant to the whole. :)

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