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Ceva's Comments - Page 5

Defending Kojima: Someone has to!

Posted on 09/11/2013 at 04:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I already wrote about this in your last blog, but I'll put my two cents in again.  You can like or dislike Quiet's design as much as you want.  Attacking or defending Kojima's character is uncalled for.  At the end of the day we don't really know anything about him as a person.  He could be a great guy or a giant jerk.  We don't know.  It's the same problem with a lot of discussion on the internet.  Attacking the character of a person you know nothing about because they like something that you don't is wrong.

Carl doesn't sound like a good guy though.  He may not hate women, but he clearly doesn't respect them.   I feel bad for his fictional (if she is fictional) daughter.  For her to grow up with a parent that feels that she can't grow up to be whatever she wants has to be emotionally damaging.

And yes, Western games don't receive as much criticism as Japanese games when it comes to exploitative content.  It's been going on for a while.  I think it's because Western games are more popular at the moment and journalists don't want to piss off too many of their readers.  My friend's thoughts on the subject are that Japan is just better at presenting the female form then Western developers, so they stand out more.  Who knows?  

People who want better representations of women in games really need to go out and buy the games that do just that.  Mirror's Edge, Beyond Good and Evil, and Remember Me are a few titles that they should throw some money at.  Attacking the character of game developers and fans isn't going to change anything.

I game because I'm a gamer: To impress other people? Not so much!

Posted on 09/09/2013 at 12:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You're right.  I'm sure Quiet will be just as badass as she is sexy.  

While George Romero style zombies are nothing new to us in the West, I think it was probably a pretty novel idea to make an anime about it in Japan.  I personally can't think of too many other zombie anime titles...  I do remember 3X3 Eyes, but that had a heavy eastern mythology bent to it...  Also, I think the fan service in HOTD bothered me so much, because there was a good show behind it.  It is what it is.

I know Jim Sterling is a pretty controversial figure in gaming media, but his latest Jimquisition states my feelings on issues like Dragon's Crown and Quiet perfectly.

I game because I'm a gamer: To impress other people? Not so much!

Posted on 09/08/2013 at 09:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's the attacks and name calling that really needs to stop.  We can't have conversations about this stuff until it does.  I know I just sound like a broken record at this point, but this facet of online discussion is holding us back.

Quiet's design is all about making her a more marketable character.  It's exploitative, not hateful.  Making her sexy might make her more popular and might make Konami more money.  People have a right to be upset about it, but not to attack the character of people who don't agree with them.  I didn't like the fan service in High School of the Dead.  It really bothered me... really, really bothered me...  I didn't attack the creator's character.  I also didn't tell the people who did like it that they were "bad people"...  Sigh.  I am a broken record...  lol.    

10 Most Important Games This Console Generation

Posted on 09/08/2013 at 10:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Interesting list.  This was a fun read.  I would have replaced Oblivion with Mass Effect, but that's just me.  I didn't like Oblivion at all, so I'm biased.  

I game because I'm a gamer: To impress other people? Not so much!

Posted on 09/08/2013 at 12:47 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I carry my PSP or my 3DS with me wherever I go.  So do most of my friends.  We are all in our 30s.  Maybe it's just me, but the older I get the less f@cks I have to give...  I feel more secure and at ease the older I get. 

Quiet's design looks cool.  I can see why some people are going to find it offensive, but I feel it stays pretty true to the franchise.  If Quiet's design is a deal breaker for someone, I'm pretty sure the Metal Gear series as a whole isn't going to be their cup of tea.  We are adults.  This game is for adults.  Entertainment for adults often contains sex and violence.  Maybe the series should have a few more Raidens in in to balance out all of the Quiets...  Either way I feel the news articles about it are more about getting page views then actually having real discussions about the topic. 

Women and gaming: My perspective

Posted on 08/27/2013 at 11:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Great read.  I'm glad you shared your perspective.  

The Fighters of Dragon's Crown

Posted on 08/27/2013 at 04:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Great write up!  I have this game too, and I also think it's a lot of fun.  I'm playing as the Amazon as well.  She's a fun brawler.

Folk Friday #7

Posted on 08/03/2013 at 12:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm sorry for your loss.  Your tribute to your friend is awesome.

My Gamer Grandmother & Other Reviews

Posted on 08/01/2013 at 12:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm sorry to hear about your loss.  You have my condolences.   Your grandmother sounds like an awesome lady.

I also agree with you that kids deserve good games.  Too bad Nintendo seems to be one of the only companies that consistently delivers.

Dragon's Crown Review

Posted on 08/01/2013 at 01:57 AM | Filed Under Review

The game looks great!  I can't wait to get my preorder.  Too bad I was too cheap to not go with the Supersaver free shipping... lol.

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