A Letter From the Director
Only with your help can we make PixlBit great.

I am humbled. It’s impossible to feel any other way at this particular moment in time. Well, maybe just a wee bit overwhelmed. I feel that too. After three and a half years of running the site, we’ve never seen a response quite like this. I too mourn the loss of 1up, but I couldn’t possibly feel more proud and honored to have all of you refugees claim this site as your new home on the Internet.
When my wife Chessa and I started this site in September of 2009, we had a vision of what PixlBit was going to be all about. It was going to be about journalistic integrity – avoiding clickbait, writing justifiable reviews, and standing by each and every piece of writing posted to the site. In my opinion, we fulfilled this part of our vision wholeheartedly, thanks in large part to our passionate volunteer-driven staff. However, the other portion of our vision is only now coming to fruition.
PixlBit was going to be about community. Unfortunately, the Internet is a big place, and despite starting with a small portion of fans from our last site, PixlBit remained mostly in obscurity. Here and there we managed to hit the radar, but despite our best efforts, only a small portion of visitors stuck around as dedicated fans. Many of these readers now line the halls of our staff.
However, here we are today, and absolutely everything is different. PixlBit is alive in a way that only existed in our dreams. I click a link, read a blog, bounce back to the home page and three more have popped up, with a swath of new comments accompanying them. It’s incredible… simply incredible.
When I say the presence of all of you humbles me, I mean this from the absolute bottom of my heart. This is the PixlBit I dreamed of and to see that dream begin to come to life is fantastic beyond words.
So I say this to all of you, both old fans and new arrivals, PixlBit is yours to mold. I’ve achieved my dream of what it could be and only with your feedback and input can it grow beyond expectations. As far as I’m concerned, the sky’s the limit.
If a feature will make the experience more usable, I’ll add it. If a new idea will make it more fun and interesting to interact, I’m there. Whatever it may be that you think will improve your experience, please, let us know.
Of course, I know you’re already feeding me some great suggestions, and they’ve been heard. The follow feature was the first one added (and subsequently improved). I’ll also be working on a cleaner edit function for comments, as well as a delete function for both comments and blogs. Images and videos will be something you can add to comments soon too.
Somewhere on the horizon I’ll be adding private messaging, which will include alerts when those you’re following post a blog. It’ll also alert you to when people comment on your blogs. But these features are going to have to wait just a little bit.
See, Chessa and I just recently (January 10) had our second son and that’s been a strong motivator to make a move back to where our families live in New York. On Friday, March 1 all of our stuff is being picked up and on Saturday we’ll be boarding a plane and officially heading back. As you can imagine, things are a little hectic around our household, so bear with me as I settle my life and incrementally make the improvements you all would love to see.
Needless to say, I am invigorated and the staff is as well. We’ve been here serving you before you came and we can’t wait to continue to provide great content for a warm community that we’re deeply involved in.
Thank you all of you for coming, I can’t wait to meet you all.