talk about Bayonetta 2 and Drakengard 3
Time For Another Community Podcast!
It's 2015 and we've run out of ideas. You come up with them!

Hey PixlBit people! I’ve commandeered the website because, well, I can! It’s time for the Nerds Without Pants to do the obligatory year in review thingy, but I’ve decided to do things differently this time around. Yep, it’s time for another community topic episode, so read on to see how you can participate!
If you’re new to the show (and hopefully you are after that awesome interview with the Phantom Compass guys), we occasionally pull in some topics from the PixlBit community. These are typically small topics that we can spend around ten-fifteen minutes on that might not warrant a whole show, but taken together make for a fun, unpredictable episode.
This time, I actually have some criteria for the submissions. Mainly, the topics should revolve around looking back at 2014 or looking forward to what we are expecting for 2015. I have faith in our listeners and readers, and I expect some interesting and off the wall ideas that would be more entertaining than the typical “favorite and least favorite games” discussion that we would probably do on our own.
We will also have Casey back on the show after his successful debut in episode 59. He is well known among the PixlBit community, so don’t be afraid to come up with ideas that he can speak to as well. If you need some better indication of the community episode format, you can listen to the previous episodes here and here.
I guess I’d better hand the website back over to Nick before he grounds me. I look forward to getting some fun topics (either in the comments section here or via private message to yours truly), and we will be recording the evening of January 21, so time is a factor, people.