I saw Gamer Grub! It was over by some wii peripherals/DS case merchandise.
PixlTalk E3 2011 Episode 1
With two days of the show behind us and only one left, what do Nick, Chessa, and Jason R (who's at the show) think about everything that has been announced and shown?

While not everyone at E3 was able to sit down for discussion about the show thus far, Nick, Chessa, and Jason R took about an hour to go through everything announced at E3 2011 so far. The team discusses their thoughts about each of the big three's presence at the show, while Jason gives his view from the show floor.
Winners of the show so far are chosen by each member and everyone talks about E3 in general. Be sure to listen in and check back for the rest of our E3 coverage and a follow up episode in the coming days.