Capcom is really not happy with Mega Man.
Remaining Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Characters Leaked
While the game was just announced today, some slick internet readers managed to uncover the remaining characters on Capcom's website.
Earlier today, Capcom revealed that its popular fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 would be receiving a new iteration complete with a set of twelve new characters. Four of those characters were officially revealed: Strider Hiryu and Firebrand from the Capcom side and Ghost Rider and Hawkeye from Marvel. As it turns out, some readers of the Capcom website managed to stumble on the remaining eight characters and grabbed their corresponding character art. To many fans' chagrin, Mega Man is not included in the final roster. The full listing for each side with character art is available below.
From Left to Right: Frank West (Dead Rising), Vergil (Devil May Cry), Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright), and Nemesis (Resident Evil)
From Left to Right: Doctor Strange, Rocket Raccoon, Nova, and Iron Fist.