Somehow I get the feeling that you don't like EA or Activision lol. They sure do like to play it safe and pump out sequel after sequel. Look at Madden for crying out loud. I wish game companies would take more risks every now and then. I guess they don't because it costs so dang much to make a game. I've been playing a lot of Indie games lately just to have some variety. There's some great stuff out there.
What Gamers Want, and What We Don't Get.
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![]() On 02/27/2013 at 12:53 PM by ActivisionStoleMy360 ![]() See More From This User » |
This has been a recurring issue, I think as time has gone on about what we as gamers want and what we don't. I find it interesting that we continue to see games come on to the market that appear to lack depth, story telling or any sort of truly challenging aspect in lieu of a more dumbed down version of pretty much everything.
Looking back at some games that had fantastic puzzles as compared to now, I guess we have no choice but to start with the original Legend of Zelda. I still have my strategy book (ya, book) that has no pictures, only descriptions, and diagrams that roughly look like a cartographers map without any sort of color! While this may seam bland, this guide helped alot, even though the game was still really challenging. I hate to say moving forward we traded challenge for graphics! Only recently (with Skyward Sword) did we see Nintendo truly go through the idea of character development! Its not even the most obvious development of the characters you would expect!
Moving onward, I would argue that the story depth is really starting to disapppear as well, and I say that while looking at YOU Mass Effect trilogy *glares*. The game went from being a truly inspired WRPG in the beginning, to having the RPG elements stripped out in the middle while retaining the story, to completely dumbing down the story in the end to pander to the masses. While I know you can force a round peg through a square hole and argue that it still works, it pains me to know that once EA got a hold of Bioware, the "Anti-creative clause" went into effect and you have what you see before you.
Now, after all my rambling, I know, so I guess I ask, what do gamers want? I ask this because as I sat around last night looking at my game collection I thought..."I want to go on an adventure, something with depth, with all the bells and whistles! something refined, yet unafraid to explore all elements of a hero's tale." I looked blankly at my collection of games that had 2's,3's and 4's in front of them..I couldn't help but wonder if other gamers hit that wall also? Do you ever feel you want to have a great adventure but your EA and Activision games cut out a majority of the depth from story games so that they don't offend the "non thinkers?" What is your opinion?